Page 97 of Candy & Her Saints

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Fated mates.

This rare bond is what saved my life. It’s why we were always so drawn to each other.

I truly did discover magic in so many ways, when I discovered Lincoln that day in the summer flowerbed.

“Could it be why Candy didn’t need multiple Alphas?” Thomas asks, smoothing down his tie.

He reaches for his socks and begins to push his feet into them.

How is he able to even have elegant feet?

Lincoln’s eyes glitter. “She didn’t need them. She had us, her fated mates. Let’s face it, if we hadn’t been taught that we should hate each other — the mafia criminals and the elite but corrupt mayor’s son — then we’d have claimed each other. In ancient times, fated mates were prized like diamonds. The Soul Mark is a sign that we’re bonded by fate in this life and in every life that comes after.”

My pulse is roaring in my ears. I dive forward, grabbing Lincoln’s arms.

He swings me to sit on his lap, and I nuzzle at his neck, settling myself.

Thomas reaches to push a strand of hair behind my ear.

“Resurrection?” I whisper. “We’ll be together forever?”

“If that’s what your faith believes.” Lincoln tightens his arms around my waist. “Whatever comes after this life, it means that we’ll be together. A fate bonded Omega can’t have their bond broken, be auctioned, or sold off.”

“Hmm,” Thomas hums, thoughtfully. He slips on his shoes and begins to tie them with sharp motions. “That may help us. I’ll contact Senator Falcon Knight and see if he can find a legal precedent. There must be some kind of official protection for this kind of bond.”

“Why?” I watch Thomas smooth down his hair.

Thomas’ jaw clenches. “Because when my dad discovers that I’ve bonded with my bodyguard and a Reject Omega (and he will, even if we can hide it for a couple of days), then he’ll try to break the bond and ruin me.”

Terror surges through me.

Yet it is rage shooting through the bond from Lincoln.

Lincoln slips his hand to his gun. “You didn’t have the best bodyguard in his year, who’s also mildly unhinged and mafia raised, at your side before. Anyone who raises their hand to you, fucking loses it. Wait, we both bonded with Candy. You didn’t bond with me.”

“Didn’t I?” Thomas casually replies.

“Is this your shit aristocratic way of asking me to bond with you?”

But I can see…feel…Lincoln’s excitement.

I could kiss Thomas.

He needed to bond with me to save my life. But he’s bonding with Lincoln to accept him equally into our pack.

It’s what I’ve always wanted for Lincoln.

I squirm off Lincoln’s knee, sprawling on top of the bedding. I can’t wait to watch this.

“I apologize,” Thomas says, reminding me of the haughty student who’d once seemed untouchable, “I didn’t realize that you’d want the whole courting schtick too. You know, bonding gifts like…”

Thomas drops fluidly to one knee in front of Lincoln.

I only just stop myself from clapping.

Lincoln’s eyes are wide and shocked.

Thomas slips his hand into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulls out a pair of cufflinks.

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