Page 93 of Candy & Her Saints

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It’s intimate and magical.

This isn’t about romance, hookup apps, or dating any more.

This is about finding my forever home.

My pack.

A found family.

Perhaps, I won’t have to keep running any longer, looking over my shoulder.

Is this what everyone feels after they bond? Would I have felt it immediately after bonding, if I hadn’t been as feral?

I can feel Lincoln’s strength and intense happiness. It’s blinding.

Yet Thomas still feels guarded.

I can sense the brokenness deep inside Thomas that Lincoln told me about.

A tortured, emotional pain.

It makes tears spring to my eyes.

At the same time, I can sense Thomas’ love for Lincoln and me. It’s pure and like light.

He’s not a bad man.

He’s not a bad Alpha.

I know bad men, and Thomas isn’t one of them. They don’t have this pureness inside.

Who taught Thomas that he is? I’m going to kick the ass of anyone who made him feel this way.

Deep in my gut, I know now that these two men belong to me.

And I belong to them.

I untangle myself from Lincoln, although I don’t let go of his hand. Thomas is sitting with his back ramrod straight. His expression is shuttered like he doesn’t expect to be included in this moment.

“You saved my life.” I hold out my hand to him, and he gently takes it. “Thank you.”

He looks surprised. “I remember being pretty demanding about you not dying. I should be thanking you.”

“Commanding’s your style.”

“You love it, remember?” Thomas teases.

It’s strange remembering that he’s Seven. Yet now, the two men are melded in my mind.

He’s a better man than I thought.

Especially when he lets go of my hand to pick up a black mug with an omega symbol in glowing purple on the front.

I take a deep sniff, before squeaking in delight. “Coffee!”

When Thomas smiles, his eyes crinkle at the edges. “Strong, as you like it. There are bagels prepared in the kitchen.”

He passes me the mug, and I warm my hands around it.

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