Page 92 of Candy & Her Saints

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Thomas wrinkles his nose. “Classy, love.”

Lincoln laughs. “If you invite a snake into your bed, expect it to have fangs.”

“I know that you like to bite.” The tips of Thomas’ ears become red. “My ass knows it well.”

Wait, Lincoln bit his Alpha’s ass, and I missed it?

Not fair.

Plus, Thomas allowing Vito to be protective toward me and reassuring him that I’d be safe here, makes me fall for Thomas even harder.

Because I am…falling for him.

“I made sure that you were fed and well looked after because wow, you were both primal and feral.” Lincoln glances between Thomas and me with a sly grin. “Truly lost in each other. I’ve never seen two people so lost in their heats and ruts. I was honored to be part of it. It was sacred. You should see your backs — scratched, as if by a wolves. I can’t wait to fuck you both again.”

My gaze shoots to Thomas’ face. He seems caught somewhere between embarrassment and smugness.

“How are you feeling?” Thomas asks.

I stop to consider.

How do I truly feel?

The room feels calm like another world from the Dough Knot. The gentle honking of the peacocks fills the silence.

I should feel only the aches and tenderness down my back and at my hips, all the good sensations left over from primal fucking.

I start to answer that I’m good, only my mouth snaps shut.

Because there’s more.

I feel good.


The best that I’ve felt in years.

Panic spikes through me, and I raise my hand to my neck. I whine in pleasure, as my fingers trace one bond bite and then the other.

But there’s no medical patch there.

Yet I’m not overwhelmed by scents. My temples aren’t throbbing. I don’t feel sick.

The bonds must have helped my OHS to settle. To have had this much of an impact on my nervous system, they must be powerful bonds.

Extremely powerful.

I scramble to push myself up in the bed, wiping away happy tears from my eyes. “Incredible. Better than I have in my life. Link, my OHS may have stabilized. I can’t believe it. I can’t…”

“Fated…” Lincoln grabs me, pulling me into a hug.

We’re both laughing, grinning, and kissing.

But that’s when I feel it.

Deep in the connection to my bonds, I realize that I’m not only feeling my own joy surging through me, I’m also sensing Lincoln’s.

With a gasp, I shiver as both men’s emotions and needs coil around me.

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