Page 84 of Candy & Her Saints

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Or is he only helping me out now like he was prepared to with my heat?

Yet does it matter, if this saves my life?

Lincoln and I have already decided that we want Thomas as our Alpha.

But I have to know.

“Do you?” I whisper.

Thomas’ expression becomes pained. “I have secrets. Fucked up things in my past. I’m a bad Alpha.”

Lincoln hisses out a shocked breath.

“Don’t say that about yourself,” I whisper.

Thomas looks away. “I’m trying to be honest. Because this is your decision, and I want to lay it out there, even though we have almost no time. I swear, however, if you accept my bond, then I’ll dedicate my life to cherishing you. I already know to make you a strong coffee and bagel each morning for breakfast, the Alpha fairy smut books you love, and how calling you good Omega makes you melt. I also know that Lincoln and you have been in love since high school. And I’ll treat you both with equal respect.”

Is this real?

“He means it.” Lincoln strokes my cheek.

I swallow, voicing my secret fears. “You won’t keep Link as your servant? As nothing but staff? You won’t discipline him by beating him?”

“It’s fine.” Lincoln shrugs. “I’m only a Beta.”

“Stop,” Thomas snarls. He looks distressed. “I’m not like that. My bonded Beta will be loved. If you want to keep working as my bodyguard, Lincoln, then you can, the same as Candy has my permission to work in any way that she likes. But you’ll both be equally treasured.”


Since when are Betas treasured?

Lincoln’s eyes are wide with wonder.

Even though I’m panting with heat, I’m just as shocked.

It’s Thomas’ startling declaration, which allows me to dare to make one more demand. “I want Link to bond with me as well.”

“She doesn’t know what she’s saying. It’s the heat.” Lincoln lays his body over mine, flinching as he waits for the blow.

I don’t blame him.

Despite what Thomas has promised, even liberal Alphas wouldn’t allow a Beta to bond bite an Omega.

It’s taboo.

Bond bites are for Alphas.

Yet what feels shimmering in the air between us three is different. I’ve always felt the draw to Thomas like I have to Lincoln.

Is this what Lincoln means about being primal fated mates?

Thomas’ expression is sad. “I know that you don’t have much reason to trust me but I’m not going to hurt you. Do you think that bonding with an Alpha and a Beta will improve Candy’s chances of survival? It would be two bonds.”

Lincoln carefully edges himself to sit up next to Thomas, reaching out to neaten Thomas’ tie. “It sure would, sir.”

“What aren’t you telling me?”

Lincoln freezes, before smoothing down Thomas’ suit. “The small matter that we’re all fated mates. I have faith that after this heat and bond, we’ll get Soul Marks.”

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