Page 71 of Candy & Her Saints

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The man who wrecked my shop on Monday.

“My brother walked me,” I say, my voice tight. “The Alpha who you terrorized.”

Thomas’ expression closes off. “I rang Falcon Knight and told him what happened. I said that if he wanted to beat anyone’s ass, then it should be mine.”

My eyes widen in shock. “What were you thinking? You called up a US Senator and gave him permission to kick your ass? Falcon’s scary!”

Thomas’ lips quirk. “Aren’t I?”

I reach across the table and stroke across the back of his hand; the action appears to startle both of us. “Don’t put yourself in danger again.”

Thomas’ gaze is assessing. “I can’t make that promise. Can I pay damages for your bakery?”

“Because we’re scent matches?”

“Because my pack acted like Alphaholes.”

“I’m not arguing. I don’t understand why you would, however, when your dad is trying to shut us down.”

Thomas’ smile is sharp; it catches me unawares. “My dad is, yes.”

“Okay.” I straighten my shoulders. Time to remember everything that I’ve learned as a Snake. I’m going to call his bluff. “Six hundred dollars should cover it.”

Your move, Thomas.

Thomas arches his brow. “How about we round it up to a thousand? After all, we should take account of emotional trauma.”

To my shock, he slides out a wad of bills from his pocket.

It’s the type of power move that my dad would pull.

Thomas casually counts out ten bills, before pushing them across the table to me.

I smirk at him, before rolling them up and pushing them down the front of my dress into my bra.

Thomas crosses his legs, adjusting himself. When he forces himself to look away, slipping the remaining bills back into his pocket, I’m cheering inside in triumph.

I have my own power moves.

Then Thomas’ expression sobers. He stands up and stalks round to slide into the booth next to me.

I stiffen.

Hell, was my last move too sexy? Have I genuinely pushed him into rut?

Normally, I only dress in dough smeared aprons but I knew that this dress would be like catnip for Alphas.

I shiver, when Thomas gently pushes my hair away from my ear. His strong fingers graze the shell of my ear, then his hot breath ghosts across my skin.

“I’m sorry.” Thomas’ words are hushed but sincere. His scent is so much stronger, when he’s this close. I struggle not to turn and nuzzle him. “You saved me once, and I’ve been trying to return the favor. Dad wants to take over certain businesses within Haven, however, and use the premises for his own shady companies. It’s always about money and ambition for him. I’d have done more earlier but I’ve been out of Haven. I didn’t know what was going on. That doesn’t change how sorry I am. I’ve protected your shop as much as I could, ever since you opened.”

I turn my head in shock.

Now our faces are so close that we could be kissing. “You’ve been protecting us…?”

“As Seven, I trusted you.” Thomas’ intense gaze never looks away from mine. “Can I as Thomas?”

He can’t.

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