Page 57 of Candy & Her Saints

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Will he hate that I’ll be with an Alpha over my heat?

Will he think that it means he’s not enough?

“Seven and I wanted to get to know each other.” I duck my head. “We wanted to build a friendship, before we shared a heat. He’s been helping me through my pre-heats with sexting. He’s big on consent. He’s a good guy. My gargoyle, if we survive…everything…I’d like us to find a pack together, who’ll love us both like we dreamed about in high school. Who’ll treat us as well as this Seven has been treating me. I swear, I waited for you as long as I could.”

“My fated.” Lincoln’s eyelashes look impossibly long, as he closes his eyes for a moment. My heart is in my mouth. Have I hurt him? What is he going to say? When he opens his eyes again, they’re burning with an intense earnestness that takes away my breath. “You could have died. You still could. Do you think that some toxic possessiveness is going to matter more to me than that? You are not my property. But you own every part of my soul. I want you to be happy, independent, and not to fucking die. So, if you need this Seven to help you through your heat — if you meet an Alpha, Omega, or Beta who you need in your life the same as you need me — then I’m open to us joining their pack as well. If you like Seven, then I hope that I get to meet him some day too. Just stay alive for me.”

I launch myself into Lincoln’s arms, and he clutches me to his chest, desperately.

He buries his hand in my hair, pressing fervent kisses to the top of my head.

Unexpectedly, loud bangs — rap, rap — come from the front of the shop.

Someone’s banging on the front counter, hard.

All of us freeze.

“Isn’t it too early for customers who sound like cops?” I whisper.

Vito stiffens in alarm. “Cops…?”

“Vito Snake, come out,” a cold, commanding voice calls. “I need to talk to you. Now.”

My gaze shoots to Vito’s.

I’d know that voice anywhere.

It’s Thomas St Clair!


Dough Knot Bakery, Haven

“Stay here.” Vito’s voice is tight with both fear and protectiveness.

He stalks across the kitchen that leads out to the shop front.

My stomach is churning with dread. My pulse roars in my ears.

“Vito,” Lincoln hisses.

Lincoln lets go of my hair and takes a step after my brother.

Vito waves him back with a shake of his head. “Thomas can’t know that you’re here. Our mission relies on that, otherwise we’ll be the worst undercover agents ever. Promise to keep my sister safe.”

Lincoln gives a curt nod.

I clench my hands, hating to watch my brother march out alone to face Thomas.

The Saint pack have been harassing us for months, but neither the mayor nor his son have come here personally before.

This can’t be good.

Plus, by the muttered voices and shuffled footfalls, Thomas didn’t come alone.

There’s a sudden burst of angry, aggressive pheromones.

I think most of the men out in the shop are Betas, but at least one who isn’t Thomas, is an Alpha, and his pheromones are making me gag.

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