Page 39 of Candy & Her Saints

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I pale, as a thought strikes me that makes my guts churn with dread. “You shouldn’t be here. Dad’s in town. The triplets are.”

Lincoln rolls dramatically onto his back, throwing out his arms, until he looks like fallen star.

It’s a move that’s so him that I’m no longer in doubt this is still my Link.

Within minutes, it’s like we were never apart, despite the fact that I can see both our scars.

“Not the triplets,” Lincoln gasps in mock terror. I scowl, but he’s not intimidated. “Don’t tell me that those psychopaths are still tripping up Betas in games of tag, bullying Omegas as if that’s a way of romantically courting them, basically still getting off on causing pain and fear with manipulations, while not giving a single fuck?”

“Worse, and you’ll be the Beta who they’re causing pain and fear, if they find you around me. Hasn’t Dad sending you to Alaska at the barrel of a gun been enough of a warning?”

“I don’t learn lessons easily. I’m stubborn like that. I have learned some tricks, however, since the triplets last saw me.” Lincoln’s expression becomes hard. I believe him. “They won’t find me so easy to push around — or push down the basement steps like they did that one time, remember? I came top of my class in the hardest bodyguard program in the country. So, they may be Alphas. But this Beta has badass skills.”

“Skills, huh?” I’m wearing a smirk of my own, as I crawl across to him, sprawling to lie over his chest. I rest my head on his shoulder, kissing his shoulder blade. “I like the sound of that.”

He smiles down at me. “I can show you those along with my piercings.”

My cheeks pink. “Yes, please.”

“First though, I’m enjoying showing off this suit.” Lincoln’s expression becomes shy. He lowers his arm to run his fingers along the fine material of his glimmering waistcoat. “Pretty fancy, huh?”

I can see the hope in his eyes.

I never cared how he dressed.

Yet I know that it hurt Lincoln to wear stained jeans and sweaters with holes in them, while being surrounded by one the wealthiest and best dressed packs in the state.

“It’s a great suit. You look handsome.” I kiss him, gently. “Do all bodyguards get to dress like this?”

Bodyguards are better paid than I thought. They definitely earn more than bakers.

I’m in the wrong business.

Lincoln snorts. “Nope, only the lucky ones. This suit costs more than six month’s pay. To be fair, I probably shouldn’t be rolling around on the floor in it with a snuggly Omega, but damn, you smell too good. Once I was offered the job, a dozen of these babies arrived just as fine as this one, before I left Alaska. I guess that the Alpha wants me to look good, while I work for him. Here, touch it.”

Lincoln offers his suit jacket out to me in excitement.

I smile, softly.

I love that he forgets I’ve grown up around men in suits like this one.

I also love that I get to share his joy at finally being able to wear one too. Except, he’s earned this suit. He’s sacrificed and suffered for it.

He wasn’t simply born into the role.

I respect the hell out of him.

I slide the material between my fingers. “Fuck, that is soft.”

Lincoln nods. “The Alpha who I’m working for didn’t need to think of me and have these ordered in time. He didn’t need to buy me anything at all. It’s weird, you know, that someone who’s grown up to be so bad, can at the same time be thoughtful and kind. The devil is also a fallen angel and good at seduction, right? Or, I guess, a saint.”

My brow furrows in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“You won’t like it.” Lincoln drags me up to sit on the floor next to him. He looks serious all of a sudden, which makes my pulse roar in my ears. “We weren’t friends with him at school. Well, he was beautiful, fucking beautiful like a cold angel, but he’s the Snakes’ enemy. It didn’t seem to matter, when we were all in class together. Now that we’re adults, and I know what it feels like to have your dad’s pistol at my temple, while he’s the deputy mayor, it really matters. I’m going to be a member of the Saint pack, working for Thomas St Clair.”


Flat Above Dough Knot Bakery, Haven

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