Page 38 of Candy & Her Saints

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It heals me, filling me with an intense joy.

Finally, Lincoln pulls back. We’re both breathing hard.

He gently cups my cheeks. “I missed you every day.”

My eyes are wet with tears. “I missed you too, Link. You know that Vito’s going to be bouncing off the walls with happiness that you’re okay. He may not show it in the same way as me…”

“Well, I hope that he doesn’t kiss me,” Lincoln deadpans.

I laugh. “He may do. I make no promises. He’s downstairs serving in the shop but he’ll be up here to get me soon.”

“Wow, a bakery. This was always the dream. You’re a serious inspiration. I hope you know that I’m expecting you to feed me your best sugary treats for lunch. Do you have blueberry muffins?”

“For you, I may even have two.”

Lincoln would sneak into the pack kitchen, when he was elementary age, to watch Mom and me bake. The pack Betas would chase him out when they could, but Mom was kind and allowed him to stay and watch. Sometimes, she’d let him lick the cake mixture off the spoons with me or eat a muffin warm from the oven with milk.

Often, she’d put bandaids on the cuts on his face and kiss his bruises better.

At that age, I never understood why she took such care fussing over his hurts or why he ate the food ravenously.

As I got older and saw how cruelly the servant Betas were treated in my pack by the Alphas, I did.

I swore that I’d make sure that I joined a pack who treated Betas as equals because I’d never allow Lincoln to be hurt or hungry again.

Suddenly, panic grips me. “You are staying after lunch, right?”

Lincoln shifts, uncomfortable. “For the weekend.”

“No, no, no.” I scrabble off Lincoln’s lap and stare at him, furiously. “I’ve only just got you back. You can’t go again.”

Lincoln’s shoulders slump. “With this Alaskan bodyguard thing that I was signed up for, the fees are paid, but only if you agree to work for the new employee’s pack for a minimum of seven years or until you’re freed from the contract by an agreed bond. I don’t have a choice. My work starts on Monday. This is my first weekend to myself in three years, and I had to spend it with Vito and you.”

I hug my arms around my legs, struggling not to break down into the sobs that are caught in my chest. “Seven years, huh?”

I don’t have seven years left.

To survive, I must bond with a pack before that.

What’s happened to my dream of being bonded with a pack together with Lincoln?

We’re fucked.

I’ve only just been reunited with Lincoln. I can’t ruin this moment by telling him how severe my OHS has become. He thinks that this is our fairy tale come true at last.

He’s clearly suffered but held on to get here. I can’t take this hope away from him.

He’s watching me guardedly like he can read my thoughts. “I know that it’s a long time. If you think that it’s too long to wait for me… I mean, I can see that there’s no bond mark on your neck, but if you’re in love with an Alpha who won’t want me as well, then I’ll feel like tearing out his throat and burning off his knot but I wouldn’t…” He coughs. “That wasn’t convincing, was it?”

I shake my head.

“I want what makes you happy.” This time, Lincoln does sound convincing. “So, tell me: Link, we’re now in the friendzone. It’ll hurt like a bitch, but—”

“I love you.” I edge closer. “I’m not in love with anyone else. I can’t imagine anything better than us finding an Alpha and a cute male Omega who we can both cherish. But my concern is the seven years.”

He clenches his jaw. “Both Cesare and my Dad signed the contract. They’re Head Alphas. It’s watertight. On the other hand, to be an optimist, I can prove to your family that I’m valuable and successful. Perhaps, they’ll see me differently. What do you think? I can save up my earnings. So, if we need to run, I’ll have enough to support us. It could be a good thing.”

Only, it’s not.

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