Page 17 of Candy & Her Saints

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They gave me the courage over the last few years to stand at my brother’s side, break away from my pack, and run this bakery.

I stare at Ice who was the first Omega figure skater.

Will I ever be brave enough to stand in the glare of the world’s spotlight like she did? She didn’t hide who was in the shadows, right?

I sigh.

I know how important it is to raise my voice.

To be seen.

But it’s not that simple.

I’ve been up since dawn and have finished baking. Vito’s taking the first shift in the shop, while I rest.

I’ve changed into cotton, checked black pajamas and I’m lying down.

But I’m not sleeping.

My mind is whirring with too many thoughts. I’m on hyper alert.

I haven’t been able to sleep since last night and Dad’s visit to the bakery.

Dad made it very clear how easily he can take away everything from my brother and me.

He already has.

“Dumbass.” I turn onto my back, picking up a furry cushion and slamming it over my face with a whine. “Dumbass. Dumbass.”

What have I done?

Yesterday wasn’t only about me. It was about stopping Dad from going after our enemies, the Saint pack.

After Thomas.

I’ve given up my dreams and future for a memory of a boy who used to look at me haughtily across the school corridor…who’s now a man who I don’t even know.

Who I haven’t spoken to for five years.

How’s that acting like a predator?

Thomas may be the most beautiful Alpha in Haven (hell, in Virginia), but is he worth everything that I possess?

“Fuck, yeah he is.” I throw the cushion across my bed, and it bounces to the floor.

I wish that I didn’t think Thomas was.

But even in high school, I had a crush on the cold Alpha, despite him barely acknowledging me.

We come from different fucking worlds.

What does the mayor’s son have to say to a mafia princess?

Despite myself, my lips quirk.

Since I’ve saved Thomas, does this make him the damsel Alpha in distress?

Am I the Omega knight in shining armor?

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