Page 168 of Candy & Her Saints

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Am I going crazy here?

“Tom,” I whisper.

Thomas stalks toward me, and I rush to him. I need to feel his arms around me more than I need breath itself.

I know that he feels the same way because he drags me into his embrace, kissing my hair, cheeks, and lips.

“Candy,” he murmurs, “I’m sorry, sorry, sorry—”

“Why?” I stare into his bruised face. “What’s going on?”

“I knew that your dad was going to make his move today. So, I had to make mine.” Thomas glances at Vito. “For both your sakes. And I couldn’t risk telling you because he knows you well enough to read your responses and pheromone changes.” Reluctantly, he pulls back from me. “Forgive me?”

“I don’t understand.” I stare at the triplets and Dad, who’s furiously glowering on his knees. “What just happened?”

“A takeover,” Gia replies. “We’ve been planning it long enough for Dad to have no idea how to read us.”

I should have realized that Gia was the one who’d be ruthless enough to overthrow Dad.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Dad snarls. “I’ll—"

Gia presses the knife harder against his neck. “Did you teach us to bluff in this game? Talk again and see if I don’t use this blade. You have three of your top fighters and Alphas here, and we’re united in taking over the pack. Want to know something funny? The moment that you sold our mom, we were planning to get our revenge. We’ve been playing you ever since. We were simply building ourselves up, growing strong and waiting for the right moment, you total asshole.”

Gia glances at me.

I wrap my arm around Vito’s waist because the triplets forget that she was his mom too.

We should be united in this revenge.

Am I being hopeful to imagine the guilt lurking behind Gia’s eyes?

The other triplets look grim.

Thomas saunters to Dad, before crouching down in front of him. “You’re never going to be able to hurt or control Vito or Candy again. Finally, they’ll be free to fly like they always should have been. They’re both incredible people, if only you could see it. Much better than you…or me. We don’t deserve them. And I’m going to be certain that you can never force anyone into a bond again.”

He exchanges a dangerous grin with Gia, before she moves the blade away, at the same moment that Thomas snatches Dad by the hair and then smashes his head against the floor.

Dad slumps unconscious.

“Your Alpha is badass,” Vito breathes. “He has officially earned a gold star in the brother-in-law test.”

Thomas stands and prowls back to me. “Are you hurt?”

I shake my head. “But you are. Tom, your head…face…chest… We need to call you a doctor.”

“There isn’t time. Trust me, okay? I’ll survive.”

“You’re swaying,” Vito points out, steadying Thomas. “How many of me can you see?”

“Three,” Thomas admits. “I only have to hold on a little longer, however, and we’ll all be free.”

Gia undoes the ropes from the chair, looping them around Dad with her sisters’ help. “Who’d guess that your wolf would be so similar to me, little snake?”

I’m struggling to come down from the adrenaline high.

Is it true? Have Thomas and Gia truly overthrown Dad?

“How?” I ask.

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