Page 134 of Candy & Her Saints

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And I know just how to do that.

I take a deep breath, in and out. My heartbeat slows.

I can do this.

I drop to my knees, ignoring Lincoln’s gasp and Ghost’s distressed whine.

“You don’t have to do this,” Lincoln snarls.

I ignore him.

I crawl across the floor, as my hair falls across my face. When I reach Thomas’ smart black shoes, I don’t raise my head. Thomas is holding himself as still as a statue.

I have to put on the best act of my life. Then I remember what Ghost did for me.

I lower my head and kiss the top of Thomas’ shoe.

To my surprise, I feel a burst of arousal through the bond.

Something to remember when I’m not saving our lives.

“See,” Thomas sounds as coldly cocky, as he did in high school, “she is trainable. Doesn’t she look tame to you?”

“She wasn’t like this with me,” Richard argues in confusion.

“Of course she wasn’t like this with you.” Thomas gives a cruel laugh. “She’s my Omega, and you’re a dick. Ghost, stop that insufferable growling, or I’ll make you regret it.”

Please, listen to him.

Has Ghost worked out that Thomas is acting yet?

All of a sudden, Ghost’s growling breaks off.

I let out a breath of relief.

I straighten but remain on my knees.

“Anyway, Dicky, you found her in the basement, where I’ve been training her. I hoped to have them both tamed, before I presented them to you, Dad.” Thomas finishes his whiskey, placing down the empty glass on the floor. “I bonded my bodyguard because I knew that he would fight to the death for me. What better person to have under your control? He’s been trained at that academy to sacrifice his life for me.”

Raylan gives a slow laugh. “Hell, you’re even more coldblooded than I’d guessed. I loved your mom, but your bonded pack are just useful tools to you. Don’t you have a heart?”

Thomas’ jaw clenches. “I did. It was filled with love for my sister. But you ripped it out. If my chest is empty, whose fault is that? My bonded are simply my property. I’ll use them as I see fit. Mr. West is my weapon. My Omega is my tamed breeder.”

I flinch.

Thomas is voicing my deepest fears.

He doesn’t mean any of this, right? He’s acting as much as I was, when I kneeled and crawled to his feet, playing at being submissive.


“You’re ruthless.” To my surprise, sadness sweeps across Raylan’s expression. “I killed the kind little boy who would do anything to protect his sister, when I sent you to that Alpha Center, didn’t I?”

“Twice,” Thomas grits out. “You sent me…twice.”

“Hmm.” Raylan nods. “Precisely.”

“And isn’t that what you wanted?”

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