Page 133 of Candy & Her Saints

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“Shoot the bodyguard, if he moves again,” Raylan says, sharply.

“Stop,” Thomas orders with such a snap of dominance that everybody stills, including the Betas. “Mr. West, return to your position.”

It’s me, however, that Lincoln looks to.

I move my hand with the snake tattoo subtly in a slinking side to side gesture that only Vito, he, and I know means the same as nodding.

Lincoln obeys me as much as Thomas, when he steps back behind the chair.

“I’m impressed.” Raylan steeples his hands on the desk. “Your bodyguard overpowered six of my best men before he could be subdued. He’s a killer. But he looks like a kitten when responding to your orders.”

Thomas swirls the whiskey in his glass, and the ice clinks. “A kitten with claws.”

“You’re impressed with your son?” Richard splutters, looking lost. “He’s the one who… Isn’t he in trouble? I just risked injury to…”

Richard breaks off, huffing in frustration. He attempts to fix his hair.

Then his gaze becomes half-hooded, before he slinks across the study. He hops onto the desk next to Raylan, playing with the mayor’s tie.

“Look at my poor busted lip.” Richard bats his eyelashes, leaning in like he hopes that Raylan will kiss it better.

I jump, when instead, Raylan slaps Richard’s hand away from his tie, before pushing him off his desk and sprawling onto the hard marble floor.

Richard lets out a wounded sound of both shock and pain.

I flinch.

“Don’t embarrass yourself.” Raylan fixes his tie. “Do you think that I want a pathetic, weak Second Alpha? At least the man who my son chose as his bonded Beta can fight better than any Beta I’ve seen. I admire that type of thing. But you…?”

Richard’s lip trembles. “You know that I’m not a trained fighter. Hell, I should be running a business. I’m fucking smart. But you don’t respect me. Why can’t you…just once…value me as more than a pretty face?”

Raylan leans down, curling a strand of Richard’s golden hair between his fingers. “Pretty boy, I value your tight ass too.”

Richard’s eyes flash with rage and then hurt. He pulls away from Raylan’s touch, before standing and backing up a step.

I stare at Raylan.

This is the man who Thomas was raised by…?

A man who truly does value only one type of strength.

A monster.

Except, I’ve been around men like him all my life. And that means, if I understand him, then he can be tricked.

Raylan turns away from Richard like he can be dismissed as easily as that, before his dangerous gaze sweeps over Ghost and then me.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Raylan demands. “You bond with a psycho Beta, a rebellious Omega, and fail to break our enemy Omega. If you’d tamed the feral one, then I’d at least think that you had a chance of controlling this situation. But look at him. Even with a gag in his mouth, he’s growling. Does he have rabies?”

I want to rage, stand up, leap across the desk, and turn Raylan into a truly knotless Alpha.

Ghost is rubbing off on me.

Actually, all my men are.

Except, I’d die before I took one step or Lincoln would.

So, I need to prove to this asshole that Thomas is in control.

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