Page 123 of Candy & Her Saints

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Thomas made it clear that he’s been working with Ghost on a long term plot.

But long term won’t work anymore.

Now that we’re fated mates, with bonds so deep that the connection can’t be broken, our matching can’t be hidden for much longer.

Thomas has been trying to prove a legal backing for the fated bonds aspect.

But what will happen after that?

Anxiety swirls in my stomach.

This week of calm feels like the eye of the storm.

I’ve fallen for these three men. Yet we’re from three enemy packs.

If we’re going to survive, then we’ll have to fight.

All of a sudden, Ghost stiffens in my arms. His legs twitch, before he jerks.

He whimpers. Then he growls.

This has become a daily ritual.

His nightmare.

He turns around in his sleep, searching for my comfort.

I reach for his hand, clasping it. “Ghost.”

He growls again. His brow is furrowed.

“Hey, it’s okay, I’m here,” I murmur.

Ghost shakes his head like he’s desperately trying to tell someone no.

His eyes are still closed. Beads of sweat run down his porcelain pale forehead.

Fuck, he’s scared.

Not only scared.


I press my hand gently to his forehead, pushing his damp hair back from his eyes. “Ghost, my Ghost, I’m here. Ghost…”

It’s all I can think to drive the nightmare away and bring him back to me.

I reach out, caressing my thumb across his forehead, down his cheek, and along his jaw. It calms him.

Ghost’s expression smooths out.

So, I repeat the gesture.

I release my pheromones to help him further.

Ghost growls like he’s trying to throw something — someone — off him.

Is he remembering that night in the casino at the black market auction, when he thought that he was being sold, or something else that happened to him here in this basement?

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