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With 500 marquee bulbs loaded in the back, I drove Rex’s truck back to New Elwood. That calm, peaceful feeling I’d gotten with my arms wrapped around her as we fell asleep last night lingered, but doubt had crept in at some point overnight. I still wanted to buy The Bach Company, which meant I had to finish the deal with Sinclair so I could make things right for my mother.

But I also wanted Charlie. I wanted her smiles and her softness. I wanted easy mornings and late nights. I couldn’t figure out how to reconcile it all.

Charlie quietly stared out the window as we rode along the highway, much quieter than yesterday.

I slid my hand over her leg and gave it a little squeeze. “You okay?”

She looked at me with a small smile. “Yeah, fine. Just a little tired.”

“Well, to be fair, we didn’t exactly get much sleep last night.” I ran my thumb over the fabric of her jeans, pushing my doubt away. We’d figure it out. I’d figure it out. Somehow.

Her phone pinged in her pocket, and she quickly checked the screen. “Holy crap!” she said.


“I just sold the marquee ad space for the Gala. All of it. They want the entire space. And, they’re offering to pay more than asking. But…”

“But what? That’s great news,” I said.

She huffed a breath. “It’s Sinclair Vineyards.”

Of course it was. Theo Sinclair must’ve been eager to leave his mark on the Monticello. The place would be his before long, after all. The festival gala was a good place to stake a bigger claim. And offering more than asking was his modus operandi. That’s how he’d piqued my interest. “The man’s got deep pockets, that’s for sure.”

“You know him?”

“Not really,” I said, which was true. We had business dealings, but we weren’t friends. Our interests aligned. That was all.

At least, they had. I wasn’t so sure anymore.

My thumb stroked her thigh again, and I stole a glance at her profile. I could tell her, just come out with it. Tell her about the investment opportunity in Arlington, how I planned to financially replenish what my parents lost, including my mother’s inheritance, with interest. How I needed to sell the New Elwood properties to make it happen. She’d get that I wanted to fix what Lydia broke.

Then again, Charlie might be angry, feel betrayed. Could I blame her for that? If she turned around and pissed all over our collaboration, I’d lose the boutique hotel, and I’d have to fight for the original plan that I wasn’t so sure the councilors of New Elwood were keen to approve. And if they didn’t vote in my favor, I’d lose it all. Including her.

When I put the choices on either side of the scale—tell her and risk everything, or don’t tell her and be guaranteed to make things right with my family while knowing she might hate me for it—I still couldn’t justify blowing up my entire life’s work for the sake of a woman I’d met less than a month ago.

I’d felt that tidal wave of emotion last night, but could I trust it? Could I trust her?

“Theo Sinclair,” she mused. “Is there like a rich guy club I don’t know about or something?”

I accepted her jab and smiled. “I’m not at liberty to say.”

Charlie leaned back in her seat, folding her arms over her chest. “I really don’t like that guy. There’s just something about him I don’t trust. The whole deal with the cigarette factory was shady.”

“Sinclair or not, the point is the theater’s getting the money it needs for a beautiful gala that you’ve worked so hard to put together. Besides, even if it’s his name in lights, the gala isn’t about him. It’s about the new Monticello.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ve got enough to worry about without having to concern myself with Theo Sinclair.”

On our way back to our apartment, we dropped the bulbs off at the theater and returned Rex’s pickup.

“She’s got a few bugs splattered on the windshield, but other than that, she’s in good shape,” I said, handing him my keys.

“Thanks. I love my truck, but you’re going to have to tell me how I can get one of these.” He gestured to my luxury sports car.

“Another time. We have to get back.”

My friend looked at Charlie, then smiled. “Didn’t expect you to stay overnight. You two have a sleepover or something?” Nosy much, Rex?

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