Page 28 of Ice Queen

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Discomfort churns in my gut. I should tell her. I should be honest about the merger. I should tell her why I came here…

…but then she’d think I was lying when I said I wanted to see her. I wouldn’t be in this room if I’d told her I’m in Nord to find out what Reginald Donovan is up to. It’s only been a couple of weeks since Gabriel’s wedding, but I can’t let this connection go. I can’t bear the disappointment in her eyes. I can’t imagine going on with life without the promise of seeing her again.

So I say nothing.

When I nod, Penelope continues. “The government would prefer to keep those mines under the control of the public resources conglomerate in Nord—the Nord Resources Group. But for reasons I won’t go into, NRG isn’t in a position—financially or managerially—to take on a project such as the diamond mines near Roston. There have been questions posed about the suitability of Donovan Enterprises. They have a less than stellar reputation, and I don’t want to open my country up to companies that aren’t reputable.”

“I understand.”

“I’m not sure you do, Asher,” Penelope says. She leans forward. “I want you to provide a proposal for the land and mines. I can give you the contact details for Mick Burgundy, the director for the Nord Resources Group. I’d like you to put forward a proposal for a joint venture for the development of diamond mines in Roston. From what I understand, the Gerhard Corporation has a great track record and would have the capital to at least match Donovan’s proposal. With NRG on board, your proposal would be even more attractive since you’d have Nordish local industry on your side. I can’t guarantee you’ll get the contract, but I can tell you parliament isn’t completely satisfied with Donovan Enterprises. If there were another company in the mix, and especially one that’s willing to work with a public company…”

The Queen is handing me a victory on a silver platter. She’s giving me Donovan on his knees, and she doesn’t even know it. A lump forms in my throat, and I struggle to swallow past it. “What about Donovan?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t trust him. I’d rather work with someone who has a reputable company with a good history. You’ve already had good press in Nord, and you’ve only been here two weeks. We could help you grow your business here.”


Her lip tugs. “The royal we.”

My mouth goes dry. Penelope is delivering the killing blow to Donovan Enterprises and making my job incredibly easy. By offering me the opportunity to bid on this land, this mine near Roston, the Queen is ensuring I go back to my father with not only Donovan Enterprises ready to merge with our corporation, but a new mine under construction with all the approvals in place. A sprint to the finish line with a royal head start.

It would be an unimaginable victory for me. Father would have no choice but to recognize my success. It would be enough to show him that I deserve the company, not Logan. No one—no one—would be able to close this deal as decisively as me.

I’d be a fool to refuse. I can’t refuse. All the work I’ve done for my father has led me to this room. This deal. This conversation.

But…I should tell Pen about the merger. I should be honest about why I’m here. I should tell her I came here with the intention of finding out what Donovan was planning, and I should tell her she just made my job easier. I should tell her that once I submit a proposal for these mines, my father will no doubt proceed with the merger, and Donovan Enterprises will be part of our company, too.

No words come out, though. If I tell her, will she retract the deal? Or worse…will she cut off whatever connection is forming between us?

Gulping down my worries, I nod. “I’m interested. Get me in touch with NRG. I can have a proposal put together within two weeks, and I’m sure my company will be able to release the funds for the purchase of the land near Roston.”

“Two weeks. That’s sooner than even I expected,” Penelope says softly. She takes a deep breath, stands, and extends her hand for me to shake. My palm slides over hers, and heat flows through my arm. I resist the urge to tug her closer and crush my lips to hers, but in Penelope’s eyes I see something faint. Something hidden.


Penelope nods, making a soft, closed-mouth noise. “Good. I’ll let my staff know to expect your proposal.” She pauses, her cheeks slightly red. “Come with me.” Penelope walks toward the door, her gauzy dress flowing around her legs like smoke. Her blond hair is twisted into a low bun, and those twinkling diamonds still garnish her ears. I want to kiss them—they’re the only diamonds I care about right now.

When she stops at the door to wait for me, I scamper closer. I inhale her sweet scent, immediately forgetting why I’m here. Reginald who? I follow her out of the office, trailing in her wake like a dog on a leash.

Usually, I’d hate this. I’ve never been one to follow behind a woman—behind anyone. My father gives me free rein in the company because he knows I don’t do well with authority. My results speak for themselves. I’m his best performer, and the person who’s made him a very rich man.

But trailing behind Penelope…I have to admit I like it. I like the cool way she delivered her business proposal. I like the rational side of her, and the angry, slapping side of her, the undone, passionate side of her and every other emotion she’s shown me—because none of those emotions are pity. None of them are disgust. She doesn’t stare at my neck and jaw, trying to keep her face steady. Her eyes don’t drift down, wondering just how much of my body is scarred.

No, Penelope doesn’t even seem to notice. She gave me her pleasure and laughter at Prince Gabriel’s wedding, she gave me her fury and annoyance, and now she’s showing me that she, too, knows how to do business. I’ll take it all. Anything. All of it—because to her, I know I’m not a monster. She sees me.

We walk in silence for a few moments, until we spill out into a large foyer at the back of the castle. Penelope glances over her shoulder at me. “I was angry yesterday,” she says.

“You were.”

“It was inappropriate of me.”

“Are you trying to apologize right now?” My lips tug at the corners. “If so, you’re not doing a great job.”

“I’m trying to establish the boundaries of this relationship.”

“And what are those?”

She pushes open a door, walking out onto an outdoor patio area. Potted plants line either side of the door, with a wide, paved path leading to the vast castle grounds. “I’ve decided I need you.”

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