Page 30 of Lone Prince

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But do I want to go without seeing the Prince at least one more time?

My new iterationof the palace renovation is coming along nicely, but my eyes are turning square. I’ve been looking at my screen too much. When I glance out the office window at the clear blue sky outside, I save my work and turn off the computer. I need to get out of here. I’ve been at the palace two weeks now, all of which have been spent holed up inside waiting for the storm to clear.

Reading my mind, Vikki pokes her head in the office. “Just finished the lunch service. You ready to go see the visitor’s cottage?”

I smile. “Thought you’d never ask.”

”Come on. I’ll show you.”

“I, uh.” I clear my throat. “I don’t have appropriate clothing for that weather.” I bite my lip, remembering my unfortunate arrival at the palace. I’ve been warm and safe inside, but no matter how blue the sky is, I know it’s freezing out there.

Vikki’s smile beams. “We brought some up to your room earlier. I’ll help you get dressed, and then we’ll head to the kennels to take the dogs.”

“The dogs?”

Vikki laughs, as if my question delights her. “Yeah, the dogs. You’ve never been dog sledding?”

My eyes widen. “No. We can’t take the dogs… Can we?”

“It’s either that or a snowmobile, but Mrs. Reed told me I wasn’t allowed to take the snowmobiles out anymore. I crashed one last winter and almost killed myself.” Vikki laughs again, a melodic sound that lights up her whole face. As if crashing a snowmobile is funny. As if almost dying is something to laugh at.

But that’s Vikki. Completely in her element. At home.

Unlike me. I wish it didn’t bother me that I’m such an outsider. I should just treat this as a working holiday. A chance to see a foreign land…

…but my heart clenches, and I know I feel some sort of connection to this place. Deep down, I know I belong here, but I’m still a foreigner. It’s hard to reconcile those feelings.

I shoot Vikki a sideways glance. “I almost died when I got here and I’m not quite as jolly about it as you are.”

“You’ll learn,” Vikki replies, hooking her arm into mine. She leads me through a back staircase up to my room, opening the door and leading me to the closet. “Coats, pants, boots. Your grandmother made sure we had it all ready for you.” Vikki bites her lip. “I’m sorry about your arrival, Rowan. I don’t know if I ever said it. We all feel really terrible about leaving you at the station. It was just with everything with Mrs. Reed and the Prince arriving…”

“I get it.” I nod. “No hard feelings. At least I got to meet the Prince.” I roll my eyes, and Vikki giggles. She hands me the bright red jacket. It’s big and puffy with a fur trim around the hood, and it looks warm. Much better than my favorite peacoat.

It’s…appropriate. Like it belongs in Nord.

I squeeze the puffy jacket and smile. “My grandmother picked this.”

“How did you know?”

“The color. She knows I love red. I’ve had red jackets since I was a little kid. My first rain jacket was red with matching red boots.” I smile, running my fingers over the fur trim. My grandmother might not be here, but her influence is everywhere. I miss her. She’d know how to handle the Prince, and she’d make sure I felt comfortable in the castle. She’d remind everyone that I’m her granddaughter, and I’m a child of Nord—even though I feel like a stranger here.

Vikki helps me get dressed for the cold, handing me a thick hat and gloves before leading me back downstairs. We stop off at the staff quarters to grab her things, and then make our way to the kennels.

Vikki pushes the door open. “Har-vey!” she calls out in a sing-song voice. “Can we take the dogs out? Rowan wants to see the visitor’s cottage, and I am sick of being inside.” She stops dead in her tracks, dropping into a quick curtsy. I bump into her, causing her to stumble. She catches herself, yelping, her face so red it’s nearly glowing.

At the other end of the kennels, standing tall with Chief at his feet, is the Prince of Nord himself, looking at home among the dogs. Feral and beastly and every bit a monarch in this wild, unforgiving place.

I square my shoulders. “Your Highness.” I give him a quick nod. I’m not sure where we stand. Last I spoke to him, he seemed to be warming up to me. I thought we were making progress.

Then he ignored me for the better part of two weeks.

The Prince smirks, eyes flashing. Ah, so he’s back to being arrogant. Lovely. He combs his fingers through his hair, letting his eyes drift down my body and back up again. “Miss Reed.” He looks at Vikki, then gives her a wave of dismissal. “I’m taking the dogs out. I’ll take Miss Reed to the visitor’s cottage.”

“That’s okay,” I say, shaking my head. “We can go later.”

Vikki’s eyes widen as she gives me a loaded stare. I guess people don’t usually talk back to the big bad Wolfe.

The Prince’s lips pinch. “I insist.”

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