Page 15 of Lone Prince

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“Harvey.” I nod. “How are they?” I move to a kennel in the corner, opening the gate for the big husky with eyes like crushed ice.

“Daisy had her litter. They’re all healthy. AJ’s asthma is still bothering him, but the vet said he’d be okay if we take it easy on him this winter.” Harvey glances at the huge husky exiting the kennel beside me. “Ah. And Chief missed you.”

The beast lets out a low huff, nuzzling my leg. I reach over to scratch the back of his head, sighing. The tension between my shoulder blades finally eases, and I kneel down to rub my cheek against Chief’s fur.

“Hey, buddy,” I whisper, turning my head as he licks my face with his rough, pink tongue. I chuckle, scrubbing his neck. “I missed you too.”

When I stand up, Chief stays by my side. The warmth of his body radiates through my pant leg and sends a calming pulse through me. I forget about the picture in the office and the cold loneliness clinging to my spirit. I forget about why I’m here, and how life would have been different if I hadn’t failed Abby when she needed me most.

I’m just here with my dog, and I finally feel like I’m home.

Harvey gives me a pinched smile. “He’s been antsy since you left last time. Hard to tame.”

“Look at him, as gentle as a baby.” I give Chief another scratch.

Harvey snorts. “With you, he is. Damn near chewed my fingers off when I fed him ten minutes late last Wednesday. Snapped at AJ, too. I think he can sense the weakness.”

“That’s why we like each other. Come on, boy,” I say, knowing Chief will follow me. I nod to Harvey. “He’ll sleep in my chambers tonight.”

“Of course, Your Highness.” Harvey bows, and I walk back through the kennel doors into the warmth of the palace.

Chief’s claws click on the stone floor as he pads ahead of me. I strip my jacket and boots off, laying them on a bench left out for that purpose. My dog glances back at me, his big head dipping down ever so slightly before turning back toward the hallway.

I frown, following.

“Slow down, Chief,” I say, but the dog ignores me. He walks through the empty hallways, pausing every few seconds to let me catch up. A smile teases at my lips. This dog has a mind of his own, and he doesn’t care that I’m a prince. We understand each other on a primal level.

So, I follow him.

What else am I going to do? Wallow in my own misery and think of my failures? Look at old pictures of things that will never happen? Wonder if Rowan’s sweet blue eyes are nothing but another lie, an opportunity for me to fail her, too?

Chief pauses at the base of the main staircase, then gives a low bark. He climbs the stairs two at a time, stopping again at the top to let me catch up. I grin. He leads me all the way down the long hallway to the north wing and pauses outside a guestroom door. Finally, I frown.

“What do you want in there, boy?”

He whinnies, scraping his paw over the door. I scratch his head, burying my fingers in his thick fur. It feels good to have Chief by my side again. He stays at the Summer Palace year-round with his brothers and sisters, but whenever I come here, we’re inseparable.

Except right now, when I push the guest bedroom door open. Chief rushes through the opening as soon as it’s wide enough for him, then leaps onto the bed. With a huff, he drops down and nuzzles beside a sleeping form.

“Chief!” My voice is a hoarse whisper caught halfway through my throat.

That sleeping form has long, coppery hair and a soft, pink mouth. Rowan is fast asleep, covered by two extra blankets with a fire just dying down in the hearth. My dog stretches out so he’s lying along the length of Rowan’s body, his snout resting against her neck.

“Chief,” I hiss again, snapping my fingers for him to come back to me.

He lets out a snort in response, his eyes closed. My shoulders drop. He’s not leaving. With one hand on the doorknob, I stare at the two of them. Something twinges in my chest at the sight of Rowan next to the dog who usually never leaves my side, and I let out a frustrated sigh.

Chief’s tail flicks, teasing me.

“Fine. Stay there. Just don’t expect any treats when you wake up.”

Chief lifts his head, blinking his eyes open to look at me over his shoulder. After a second, he turns back to Rowan and promptly falls asleep.

I pinch my lips together as heat spears my chest. Am I…am I jealous of Rowan right now?

…or am I jealous of the dog?

I back away silently, leaving the door ajar in case Chief changes his mind and comes to sleep on his spot in front of my fireplace later tonight.

He doesn’t.

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