Page 10 of Carter

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“Sure,” Maddox answered, and Lacie glanced at me.

“Me too,” I said, knowing she wanted to talk, and I followed her to the washrooms.

As soon as the door closed, Lacie turned towards me with her hands up.

“What the fuck are we doing?”

“I don’t know,” I laughed. “Do you want to?”

“Yes,” she said. “So badly.”

“Me too.”

“But should we?” She chewed her lip, glancing at me with concern in her eyes.

I took a deep breath, looking in the mirror and pulling out my travel makeup bag to touch up my face. I took a deep breath, looking at my best friend in the mirror.

“Probably not,” I said. “I mean, if you think about it, we’re going to be working with these guys for a while, and going over to their house the first day we meet them probably isn’t the most professional thing we could do.”

“Uh-huh,” Lacie said, stepping up to the mirror to fix up her own makeup.

“Yeah, I mean, if we were thinking from a professional standpoint, it’s probably a bad idea.”

“Uh-huh,” Lacie repeated, putting a fresh coat of lipstick on.

“But then again, they are really, really attractive. And neither of us have gotten laid in way too long.”

“We don’t have to sleep with them,” Lacie said as if she were trying to convince herself. “We can just go for a drink, see their house, and then go home.”

“Right,” I answered with a nod. “Just because we go there doesn’t mean we have to do anything.”

“It would be rude not to go,” she said, glancing at me through the mirror and grinning.

I started laughing. “Exactly. Wouldn’t want to start this working relationship off on the wrong foot.”

Lacie tucked her lipstick back in her bag and smoothed her hair. “And plus, they are our future husbands, aren’t they? Didn’t we say that this morning?”

I grinned. “We did. Or at least our future exes, or future best-one-night-stand stories.”

Lacie laughed, biting her lip and looking at me. “I really want to go,” she confessed.

“So do I.”

And that was it. We walked out of the bar and into the evening and found the two sexiest men we’d ever met standing by the entrance.

I could feel Lacie’s nerves from just standing next to her. She took a deep breath and plastered a big smile over her face.

“We were thinking,” she said, “Since we don’t know the way to your place, that Veronica could jump in with Carter in your car, and I could drive Vee’s car with you.”

Carter was eyeing me up and down, and it was making my pulse speed up to dizzying levels.

“Sounds good,” Carter replied, never taking his eyes off me. We hadn’t discussed that particular plan, but it made sense to me. Being alone with Carter made my heart skip a beat.

Maddox walked over to Lacie, presenting my arm to her. “M’lady,” I said.

She laughed. “Wow, what a gentleman,” she said, rolling her eyes and hooking her arm in Maddox’s. “Come on, Vee’s car is just here.”

They walked off, and Carter and I were alone. His hand drifted down my arm and he interlaced his fingers in mine. “My car is this way, Veronica.”

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