Page 41 of Maddox

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Morgan’s jaw dropped, and Garrett let out a relieved sigh.

Tears welled in Morgan’s eyes. “You guys would throw away this chance to play at the Grammys just for me? I barely know you!”

I chuckled. “But we know Garrett. And he knows you. We won’t play.”

Morgan looked like she was in shock. Garrett grinned at Carter and me.

“We are in the market for a new PR company,” he said. “And it looks like you might be in the market for a new job.”

Morgan’s cheeks flushed and her eyes widened. I put my arm around Lacie and held her close to me. This moment felt important. It felt like a defining moment in our time as a band, and as friends.

Morgan shook her head. “How could I…? I wouldn’t have any of the connections, I couldn’t—”

“I see the way people react to you, Morgan. They like you. And with the biggest rock band in the country as your first client, how could you fail?” Garrett said gently, putting his hands on her hips. I could see the connection between them, and it made me think of Lacie.

“I have a non-compete agreement. I wouldn’t be able to work for you!”

Garrett kissed Morgan, and I heard Lacie let out a soft gasp. When he pulled away, he spoke to Morgan in a low voice. “I have your CEO’s number. Something tells me that when I let him know that his Managing Director hacked into my private accounts and tried to blackmail me, he’ll wave the non-compete.”

They kissed again, and I turned to Lacie and crushed my lips against hers.

Then, I heard a strange sound, like someone clapping.

Clap… clap… clap…

It was slow and mocking. We all turned to see Brenda, Garrett’s ex, in the doorway.

“Congratulations, Garrett, you could win an Oscar for that performance. Have you considered getting into acting?”

“Brenda,” Garrett snarled. “Aren’t you done trying to ruin my life? What’s in it for you?”

“You’re a fool,” she said to Morgan, and I felt Lacie stiffen. I held her back, knowing she wanted to pounce on the woman in the doorway.

Brenda scoffed. “You’re exactly the same man that broke my heart, Garrett. You haven’t changed a bit. Now, you’re going to break this poor girl’s heart too.”

Garrett roared. “I broke your heart?! You left me, remember? Are you delusional?”

“I had no choice!” She screamed. Brenda trembled in the doorway, not letting her eyes drop from Garrett. She lifted her arm and pointed a long nail at Garrett.

“You made me get rid of my unborn child, Garrett! I’ll never forgive you for that. Never!”

I looked at Carter and frowned. What the fuck? I hadn’t heard about any of this! By the look of confusion on Carter’s face, neither had he.

Garrett frowned and took a step forward.


“Oh don’t pretend that you didn’t know! Right after I took the pregnancy test, you went in the bathroom and by the time you came back out, you wouldn’t even touch me. I got the message loud and clear.”

Garrett shook his head. “How…? What?”

“You’re a pig.”

“Brenda,” he said softly, shaking his head. “I’ve had a vasectomy.”

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed. Garrett stiffened, his hands balling into fists. “I know you were sleeping with what’s-his-face for months before you broke up with me. I saw the messages. You might have noticed the screenshots of them in my account when you were snooping around. Unless my vasectomy magically undid itself, the baby wasn’t mine, and I never even knew about it.”

My pulse was racing. I didn’t know if I should throw her out or let this drama unfold. I glanced at Carter, who was just as frozen as I was.

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