Page 74 of Hell Bites

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“I don’t have time for this.”

I scan the yard again just as a unit starts marching in from the right and left.

No one has time for this if anyone wants to get out of this alive. Which means now we have to fight.

“I need to talk to you,” Zia says as she stomps her foot into the ground. “You don’t understand anything that happened.”

“Here’s what I understand.” I signal to Silas to get information and he turns Rae around so all three of us are back to back with Zia in the middle.

Pissed at her or not, she isn’t going to die today.

“I understand that everything I thought we had was bullshit.” I brace myself for impact as four guards come charging toward me, grabbing the one in front by the spear and sending him flying. “I understand that you’re a liar. I understand that you don’t give a shit about me.”

Sending the spear back into the unit like a javelin, I grab the next guard by his shirt collar and slam him into the ground. I step on his throat until I feel it crush beneath my weight then use his own dagger to cut his head clean off.

“You know what else I understand?”

Azizia growls from behind me, clearly pissed and getting more so with everything I say.


“I understand that for someone who painted their significant other like such a fucking monster, you sure did like having him grab your pussy.”

I gasp as my knee gives out, Zia kicking the back of my right one so I go down.

“I didn’t!” she screeches as she leaps over me, right onto another guard, taking him down to the ground where she beats him senseless. “I hate when he touches me!”

“Who? Your husband? The only male you could possibly love since he’s so fucking great?”

Running after another male stupid enough to head right into a fucked-up lovers’ quarrel, I tackle him to the ground and sit on his chest long enough to snap his neck.

“You’re one to talk!” Azizia runs after a soldier heading toward Rae, he and Silas taking on a larger group on the east side of the yard. “Davina seemed like a real cunt!”

“She was!” I snap, leaping to my feet then plowing into two more guards wielding swords.

One of them gets me in the side, the other slices my arm but all that does is piss me off even more, so I take hold of one of them and turn him into my weapon.

“That’s another thing!” Azizia shouts from somewhere behind me. “I wanted to kill her, Felix! Me! I was going to run in here and save you the same way you tried to save me, then I was going to kill Davina for taking you away from me.”

“You gave me to her, Azizia! Willingly, happily. You handed me over so fast I’m surprised your head didn’t spin.”

She cries out in frustration as I stab one male with the other, taking both of their swords before I turn to check on her. Which is when I have to remind myself she betrayed me and I don’t want her anymore because watching Zia literally tear the head off of a vampire and fucking punt it across the yard like a football has me contemplating marriage.

I shake my head as she levels me with her stare. “It wasn’t me, Felix. If you’d just listen to me, I could explain everything.”

I ignore her for a few seconds as I scan the incredibly full yard, all of the palace guards coming for the four of us now that shit has spread. Searching for Silas, I sigh in relief when I see him tearing the arms off a male he’s hated for the last fifty years, smiling like a lunatic as he tosses them to the side. He looks up at me and tilts his head, a silent question in his eyes.

One I answer with a nod.

Silas nods back then lifts his hand above his head, making an almost lassoing motion before he points to Azrael, and I nod again.

Then he’s saying something to Rae quickly, the two of them sharing a strange look before they split up and start running on either side of the castle, taking a decent chunk of the enemy with them.

Which means I am now responsible for Zia even though I want nothing to do with her.

“Hey, wait, where are they going?” She watches her brother disappear around the corner, starting to go after him until I grab her arm and begin dragging her behind me.

“They’re diverting the attention.”

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