Page 30 of Hell Bites

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I open my mouth to tell Felix to ignore it, because this is the best thing I’ve ever felt in my entire life and it’s been like five damn seconds, but he snaps out of whatever sex trance he’s in, yanks the toy from my pussy, and throws it into the bathroom. It bounces loudly off something, then thuds against something else.

“Why did you do that? I was so close!” I slam my hands on the bed in frustration.

His eyes are frantic as he gets off the bed, looking me up and down, like he wants to say something but doesn’t know what.

I growl as the doorbell rings again.

I storm toward the door, not bothering to put pants on. Whoever dares to interrupt that can be graced with the beauty of my vagina.

“Zia, open the door!”

I halt when I hear the voice.

My brother’s voice.

My eyes widen, and I glance at Felix, who is frowning. I race toward him as Azrael pounds on the door.

I grab Felix by the shirt and drag him after me, running to one corner of the room, then back to the bathroom, only to realize there isn’t a lock.

“What are—”

I slap my hand over his mouth.

“Be quiet! Don’t you know who that is?”

He mumbles something, but I can’t make it out. I tug him out of the room, grasping his shirt harder and keeping my hand over his mouth.

“Zia, I will break this damn door down!”

I spot the bathroom, get a flash of the alien in my head, which makes me cringe, but I hurry to it, fling the door open, and shove Felix in.

“Don’t say a word!” I hiss at him, then lock the door from the inside and close it. At least Rae won’t be able to get in there now.

I reach the front door, then realize I don’t have any pants on.


“Zia, I swear to—”

“I’m just putting pants on!” I call out, running to the bedroom to grab my pants and shove them on. As I hurry to the front door, I realize they’re backwards. Oh well.

I run a hand through my hair and unlock the door to pull it open. I grin wide.

“Hey, bro.” I lean against the door frame. “What’s with the surprise visit?”

His jaw is clenched, brow furrowed. “Don’t give me that shit, Zia.”

He barges past me, and as I stare out at the sky, the sun starting to set, I realize I’m so fucked.

Chapter Ten


I have a funny feeling I’m going to die tonight.

Okay, maybe not for real, but things are getting interesting as hell, and not in a good way.

Except maybe seeing Zia’s pussy.

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