Page 78 of The Royals Upstairs

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“Both,” he says, getting down on his knees and crawling inside. His hulking frame barely fits, and his head snags the sagging sheet ceiling, causing it to collapse.

“Oh no,” he says dryly as he sits beside me, the sheet falling between our faces. “It’s a cave-in.”

He goes to lift up the sheet, but I reach out and grab it, keeping it in place.

“I think it’s best I don’t see your face,” I tell him.


“I’m feeling a little emotionally vulnerable,” I admit against my better judgment. I drop my hand, and James continues to raise the sheet, holding it up so he can look at me.

He’s too handsome for his own good and far too close to me in a setting that’s a little too private.

“You’re right,” he says, swallowing thickly as his eyes get that heavy-lidded, lustful look. “It was easier when I couldn’t see you.”

Then he leans in and cups my face in his hands and kisses me.

I let out a soft whine, a startled noise, my mouth opening to his for just a moment, one sweet moment where his tongue slides against mine, and I’m ready to throw it all away again, the sheet falling down on our heads. If anyone were to come in here there would be no doubt what we were doing.

I break off before we get carried away, placing my hand on his chest to keep him back. I can feel the quick beat of his heart under my palm.

“I’m having a bloody awful time trying to stay away from you,” he says, but I keep my hand pressed on his hard chest.

“Me too,” I admit quietly. “Whose silly idea was it to leave all the sex behind in Todalen?”

“Your silly idea,” he says, taking my hand in his and raising it to his lips. “But feel free to negate it at any time.”

I give him a quick smile and take my hand back, putting distance between us. “I think we should probably vacate the fort.”

He sighs and looks around. “Are you sure? There’s something comforting about this. Maybe it’s because I didn’t really get to do this as a wee lad, but I feel safe in here. Safer than I should, considering we’re sitting ducks.”

I agree with him. While sitting alone in my bedroom felt empty and cold, sitting in the fort felt comforting, like being sheltered by strong, warm arms, even before James came in.

But now that he’s here, that feeling of comfort skyrockets.

And that’s a dangerous thing.

He stares at me for a moment before he crawls back out, and I see the want and longing in his gaze, and I feel it too, because I want him the exact same way and I can’t have him.

I can only have stolen kisses and pretend that’s enough to sustain me.



“You know what your problem is?” Lady Jane asks. I look up from my book to find her pointing at me with an accusatory carrot.

Even if I don’t say anything, she’s going to tell me what my problem is. I slide the bookmark inside the pages and close it, putting it on the table. I was having a quiet lunch to myself here in the kitchen, just me and my book, a mug of tea, and some cheese and crackers, but then Lady Jane showed up, on some carrot stick diet, and hasn’t stopped talking since.

“What is my problem?” I ask her.

“You need to get laid.”

Thank god I don’t have a mouthful of tea, or I would have spit it out.

“Excuse me?”

Her smile curves around the carrot she’s eating. “You heard me. You need to get laid.”

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