Page 52 of A Royal Redemption

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I wound my legs around his hips and locked my ankles behind him as I raised my hips invitingly.

“Make love to me, Dheer,” I said, capitulating because as much as I wanted the upper hand right now, I needed him even more.

“With pleasure,” he replied, penetrating me with one smooth stroke.

I moaned in reply as he hit just the right spot as he slid in balls deep. He gave me a few seconds to adjust to his girth before he began to move slowly, pulling out completely before he thrust in again harder. I held onto the headboard as he fucked me hard and fast until I felt the waves of my orgasm crash over me harder than I’d ever felt. I came with a keening cry, digging my nails into his back as I raised up off the bed. He was still going hard, moving in and out faster with every stroke. I barely had time to climb down from my second orgasm before a third took me by surprise and I came apart in Dheer’s arms. He groaned as he joined me in release, and I swallowed his cry with a deep kiss as we both came together.

He rose and went to the bathroom to clean up while I lay there, trying to stop shaking. What the fuck had just happened here, I wondered. It was supposed to be just sex—meaningless sex to satisfy the desire that had been brewing between us.

It was also supposed to be a tick on my bucket list. I had built him up so much in my mind over all these years that I had hoped sex with Dheer would cure me of this mad obsession. Once I realised that he was no better than any other guy I had slept with, I was sure, I’d get over him. Only, how did one get over perfection? Dheer didn’t just fuck me. He made love to me in the moonlight, and that was going to be a hard one to top for any other guy.

And considering that his lovemaking came on the heels of his mind-blowing wedding present, I didn’t stand a chance against the tsunami of emotions that swept over me as I lay there waiting for me. He had recognised how much getting justice for Sheela Devi mattered to me, and he had achieved just that. Now the dead woman could rest in peace, and I could finally sleep without nightmares.

He came back to bed and turned me over so he could spoon me, and I fell asleep in his arms. When I opened my eyes again, sunlight was streaming in through the windows, and I was alone in the bed. I wondered where my new husband was. When I checked my phone, I was horrified to see that it was almost nine in the morning. Rajput daughters-in-law did not laze around in bed the day after their wedding. My parents and Veer were leaving today, and I had to make some dessert for lunch today as the first dish I cooked in my husband’s house. I wondered if I could just order it from my favourite restaurant and pass it off as my own because I was a disaster in the kitchen. I couldn’t even boil an egg.

I heard some voices in the sitting room and realised they were coming closer.

“Diya’s still asleep,” said Dheer loudly outside the door, and I took it as a signal to jump out of bed and run into the walk-in closet to pull out a set of clothes from one of my trunks. Luckily, my assistant had labelled them neatly, and I opened the trunk that contained Indian clothes. I pulled out a red chiffon leheriya saree and ran to the bathroom for a quick shower.

When I came out, I draped my saree as neatly as I could and slapped on some light makeup. It felt odd to put on the mangalsutra and sindoor. I marvelled at the way my life had changed so fast, and I wondered how much more it would change in the next couple of weeks. I’d have to find a way to guard my heart even as I got more involved with Dheer.

There was a knock at the door and he poked his head into the room to check if I was up. His eyes swept over me with approval and even though I told myself it was silly to crave his approval, I suddenly felt more… well, more everything. Prettier, more feminine, sexier… more everything.

“Are you ready? Ma and Dadi Sa are here for the mooh dikhai.”

“Yes, but what about the police station?”

“We’ll head there after this little ritual,” he replied.

I followed him to the sitting room and found Isha, his Dadi Sa and his mother waiting for me, with two of the staff carrying heavy trays covered in silk. I bent to touch Dadi Sa and Padmini Aunty’s feet, and the latter hugged me warmly, while the former frowned at me. I wondered what I had done wrong now.

“Cover your head, girl,” snapped Dadi Sa.

Sheesh! I pulled my pallu over my head and cursed myself for forgetting this important fact.

“Come and sit, my dear,” invited Padmini Aunty, leading me to the big couch, and beckoned Dheer over to join me.

She picked up a few fat stacks of five hundred rupee notes from a tray that Isha held and rotated them around our heads clockwise and anti-clockwise to take away the evil eye before she placed them back on the tray.

“Isha beta, please send this money to the orphanage in Trikhera as a donation,” she said, and Isha nodded. “With the blessing of Goddess Bhawani, may the two of you be blessed with a baby soon.”

I stared at Dheer in alarm. What? We were married yesterday! And I had no intention of tying myself to Dheer with a baby. He pressed my hand gently before I blurted this out in front of his family, and I bit my tongue.

“Bring the jewels now,” ordered Dadi Sa, and the staff brought the two trays to me.

Dadi Sa uncovered them slowly and there were sighs all around at the jewellery displayed on the tray.

“Dheer beta, this is the traditional jewellery that every Trikhera Maharani has worn for the past one hundred years. Now it is your wife’s turn to wear it. And Diya, remember, that you don’t own this set. You are merely the custodian of the family’s heritage. You will wear it at all state events to flaunt your identity as the Maharani of Trikhera. Dheer will wear the matching sarpench and signet ring.”

“It’s an ancient Bvlgari design,” said Isha. “Customised for our family.”

“I know,” I said through numb lips as I stared in distaste at the tray.

My skin felt clammy and I wondered if I was going to faint. This was the same set that Dheer’s ex-fiancée had flaunted at my twenty-first birthday party. And now, it was being handed down to me.

I heard a sharp inhale next to me and looked up to see Dheer looking very grim. He shook his head at Isha, and she looked from him to me before her eyes widened in understanding.

“Come on. Put it on,” urged Dadi Sa, holding out the velvet box that contained the viper necklace. I stared at it as if it was about to bite me.

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