Page 68 of Taming Her Cowboys

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My chest feels like it’s going to explode. I grab the radio. “Clint?”


“Are you over at the Fosters’?”

“No. Their second mare just went into labor. I’m delivering the foal in the barn.”

Fuck. “Lan?”

“I’m on my way,” he says. “By the tone of your voice, something’s not right.”

“He’s there, Lan.”

Landon curses over the radio. “I’m on it, Shane.”

“Fucking hell,” Clint curses into his radio. “I’m coming. Let me—” His radio drops.

I only hope that he’s handing it off to someone he trusts, and that he’ll be on his way with the rest of us.

I make sure the footage is loading on my phone, then I grab my keys.

I grab a gun, too. I don’t want to have to use it, but fuck.

I’ll do anything to make sure that Nora’s safe.



Idon’t notice the hand that closes over my nose.

The first sign that something is wrong is when a rancid, sickly sweet smell fills my nostrils. Then, there’s nothing.

I wake later, my head absolutely pounding. I look around, try to sit up, then realize with growing panic that I can’t. My hands are tied behind my back.

I lay down, my mind racing. I shut my eyes, trying to take deep breaths around the tape covering my mouth.

Breathe, Nora. Figure it out. You need to figure out where you are.

Yes. I can do that. Step one, figure out where the hell I am.

I look around, my eyes slowly focusing on the space around me.

Car. I’m in the back of a car. A nice car, by the looks of it. The seats are leather, and they feel expensive under my cheek.

Okay. Check. Luxury car. Now, do you recognize anyone nearby?

I flex my abs, trying to sit up again. There’s no one in the backseat with me. This is definitely a sedan, or a small SUV, because I’m in the only backseat.

I look, slowly, up toward the front. The face in the rearview mirror makes me want to puke.

It’s fucking Aaron.

Of all the people, Aaron is the one I least expected. But it all clicks into place now. He’s the one who’s been sabotaging the ranch. He drove some kind of a Mercedes when we were at school, and while I don’t think this is the same car, he clearly got something similar to come up here with.

I can’t believe he’s here. And that he literally stole me out of my own goddamn bed.

He better not have hurt my dad…

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