Page 47 of Taming Her Cowboys

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“I’m not fucking doing?—”

“You could have called the vet to deliver those foals. Could have called one of us. But you chose to show up as goddamn Superman and do that, all by your lonesome,” I snarl. “Tell me again you’re not trying to impress her.”

“I’m not,” Clint says, his nostrils flaring.

I’m so fucking done with this conversation. “Landon and I want her,” I say, my voice firm. “You better not fuck that up for us.”

“I won’t.”

“Fuck off.”

Clint spins, stomping away. I wait for a second before checking my phone.

Today’s the day Nora and her dad are harvesting the alfalfa.

Against my wishes, I drift toward the door. After last night, she might need a little help. I’m happy to be there. I also want to believe that Clint’s wrong. That Nora isn’t going to use me for my money, like all the women I’ve known in the past.

There’s only one way to find out. Coat on, boots on, I head out the door.

Nora’s different. I know it. Clint’s fucking wrong, and I can’t wait to prove it.

It’s too big of a job for two people. That’s remarkably clear to me. Though Nora and her dad are working their hardest, they’ve barely cut half the field, and it’s nearly noon. They’re definitely not going to make it to the whole field without help. It’s also likely to rain tomorrow, if the weather is to be believed. They sure can’t bundle wet hay.

I catch Nora’s eye as she rides in their big tractor, waving at her to stop. She shuts it down, then leans out the window. “What?” she says, her voice tight. She glances at her phone, and the frown increases.

“Something wrong?”

“Kendall. She checked out of the inn.”

“Well. That was a quick trip.”

She glances at me. “You’re nosy today,” she says in a brusque voice. But it lacks some of the vitriol that it’s had in the past.

“I’m going to go get Landon, and we can start on that part.” I gesture to the other half of the hay field. “I bet we can get it baled up by midnight, right before the rain is supposed to start.”

Nora’s face goes white. “We don’t need help,” she yells.

I move closer. I’m at the tractor’s bottom step when I look up at her. “Nora. This field isn’t halfway done, and your time is running out.”

“I said we don’t need help,” she repeats, her jaw clenching.

I sigh, looking over at the field. I look back at Nora. “I won’t charge.”


“I won’t charge. This is just something that’s… free.”

Her eyes narrow. “This better not be because of last night.”

“It’s not,” I say quickly. “Call it professional interest.”

Her eyebrows shoot up.

I nod, looking at the alfalfa. “Look, we need to be able to use this field. It’s the closest one to the Wild Spur, and the sooner we can get this stuff cut and dried, the sooner we can buy it from you.”

She blinks. “Buy it?”

“Yeah, what do you think I was going to do? Let you sell premium alfalfa hay to some asshole without offering to buy it from you first?” I grin at her.

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