Page 35 of Taming Her Cowboys

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“Um…” My voice trails off. Kendall’s a huge star. I know that she was just in Denver, but…

“I’m in Jackson Hole!”

My jaw drops. “Kendall! That’s so close!”

“I know! I looked it up on a map and everything,” she preens through the phone. “Listen, my driver told me it’s only like an hour to get to you. There’s like a cute little inn that I just made reservations at. I’m going to come up there, and we’re going out.”

There is, in fact, an inn. It has three rooms, and I can absolutely see Kendall reserving all of them. Toweling off my hair, I sit down on my bed. “Kendall. I just helped Thunder give birth to twins.”

“And you’re a badass for doing that. Now come drink with me.”


“Please?” she murmurs. “I miss you. And I just got here, and you know I can’t stand to be alone for more than a half hour before I start to go absolutely insane. I’ve been home with my parents in Colorado, and I need to go do something. Anything,” she pleads.

It’s true. Kendall’s not exactly known for her ability to be alone. She does have a strained relationship with her parents, and if she was with them back in Colorado, she’s probably itching to get out. She’s my best friend, and I’m just dying to see her.

But everything just feels so… overwhelming right now.

Clint helping deliver Thunder’s foals was really something. The man has a gift with horses, and I need to give credit where it’s due. That was pretty freaking incredible.

“Come on, Nora. Let’s just go out and find some dumb cowboys to make out with, and then we’ll stay up all night with this new skincare stuff that someone just sent me. We can run naked around the inn if we want,” she laughs.

“I don’t want to make out with anyone,” I say automatically. My cheeks burn a little, though, because I can think of three men who I’d be more than happy to make out with.

Clint. Landon. Shane.

I can’t say that I’d pick one over the other two. In my mind, they’re some kind of a unit, like the three of them can’t be pulled apart from each other. I’ve seen the easy way they communicate with each other. The way that they talk, interact, even the way they set up their coffee in the morning, all of it speaks to an easy kind of friendship that goes deeper than just dudes who hang out. They are a unit, I guess. I’m not sure why. Heck, I’d love to know why. But I’m not going to be the one to ask them.

“Um, earth to Nora?”

I snap back to reality. “Yeah?”

“Where’d you go, girl?”

I fidget slightly. “Nowhere.”

“Oh,” Kendall breathes. “You were thinking about your hot new neighbors.”

“No, I wasn’t.”

She practically cackles with glee. “Yes, you totally were! I know that voice. Nora. Do you like one of them?”

I don’t know how to answer that. “Not one of them.”

Kendall sucks in a huge breath. “Nora Foster. Do you like more than one of them?”


Her voice changes, becoming more serious. “Nothing wrong with that. You deserve to be worshipped after all Aaron put you through.”

Ugh. Aaron’s name puts a nasty taste in my mouth. I flop back on the bed, letting my hair fan out behind me. “Aaron was…”

“A dick, Nora. He was a cheating, lying dick.”

He was all of those things. But honestly? When we first met, that very first night in sophomore year, he wasn’t. He was nice, then. The cheating and lying was a much later transformation. I think, anyway.

“Whatever. I want to make out with a dumb cowboy. I’ll leave your three alone, but come on. I’m so close, and I miss you.” Kendall whines.

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