Page 32 of Taming Her Cowboys

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My heart stills. The stupidest answer pops into my mind. No.

Instantly, it makes me shut down. What the hell am I thinking? Just because Nora and Richard Foster aren’t the lackadaisical owners I thought they were, I’m cool with just giving up?

“Even though they’re hard workers, doesn’t mean the goals for Wild Spur have changed,” I growl.

Shane studies me for a minute before he nods. “True.”

“Something will come up. The ranch was in poor shape. The finances, we know, are in even worse shape. Something got them here, and we can’t forget that.”

“Yeah, but just because they were neglectful?—”

“We can’t forget it,” I repeat sternly. “No matter how much we like them, we know that Wild Spur needs the room to expand, and this is the only way we can get it. If we can use the land more effectively than they can, we need to do that. For everyone’s sake.”

Shane looks at me with narrow eyes before he shrugs. “Whatever you say, man. But I don’t know that they’re going to end up owing us shit.”

“If they don’t, it’s only a matter of time before their ranch goes belly up, and we can buy it then.”

“So now, what? You’re just going to wait?”

I nod.

Shane sighs and shakes his head. “You can be one ruthless motherfucker, Clint.”

“It’s for the good of the business,” I snap back. But the comment sits uncomfortably on my skin.

“See you back at the house,” he says, climbing into his truck.

I wave him off. I wanted to go by the barn to check on the two pregnant mares. The vet came by yesterday, but his exam was lacking. I think that he essentially just owed Nora or her dad a favor, and that’s why he was there, but he sure didn’t put any goddamn effort into it.

Heading to the barn, I’m about fifteen feet away when I hear something that isn’t right. A horse in pain, followed by a woman crying out.

I sprint. Throwing the barn door open, I look around.

“Nora?” I yell.

“Help!” I hear her cry. Nora’s a proud woman. Like all of us, I guess, but I’ve never once heard her blatantly ask for help.

I book it for the stall where I heard her voice. Nora is backed into a corner. She’s managed to tuck herself in the front corner, and I can tell the mare can’t really reach her from where she’s lying on the ground.

The mare looks… in pain. She’s wheezing, her huge belly trembling as she struggles. She’s definitely in labor, but it does not look like it’s going well.

I look at Nora. “Are you hurt?”

She shakes her head no, but her eyes are wide.

“Thunder,” she says softly. “She’s in pain, and she won’t let me near her.”

“How long has she been like this?”

“I don’t know,” Nora whispers. “I found her about an hour ago.”

An hour…

I move in, hands held out. Softly, I start clicking my tongue and whispering to the mare.

My dad’s trick was always that it matters what you say. He claimed that even if your voice tone was low and calm, the horse could understand if you were telling it to shut the fuck up, and they responded better to kindness. I don’t know if that’s the case, but it’s what I’ve always done.

“Hey, beautiful,” I whisper. Thunder rolls her eyes at me, letting out a huff of displeasure. Okay then. Not your favorite compliment. “Hey, Mama. You’re right, you’re not pretty, but I see you. Strong, tough. I bet you don’t let anyone give you any shit, do you?”

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