Page 28 of Taming Her Cowboys

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“Hell yes. This is garbage,” I say, ripping my wrist out of his hand.

“Negotiate.” The one-word command sends a shiver up my spine.

Meeting Shane’s eyes, I sit down. “I’ll accept your bullshit labor clause. At market rate, which I will set with the better business bureau.”

“Noted. Fair,” Shane agrees.

My eyes narrow. “But the whole lease to own thing? Garbage. If I end up owing you money at the end, I’ll pay you what you’re owed.”

“You will?”

I nod sharply. I don’t intend to let them put anything other than the cost of working the horses into the land. I’ll fix everything else myself if I have to. “And, if you want to make a repair or anything, you tell me first. I’m not having you just run up labor costs on random shit.”

Shane lifts an eyebrow. “Fine. I can do that. But, if you do end up selling the ranch?—”

“We won’t,” I cut him off.

He nods. “If you do, then we get the first right to a sale.”

“You can’t guarantee that.”

“Oh, I can. You can write anything into a contract you want to. As long as both parties are… willing,” he says.

The way his voice lingers on that word makes the hair on my arms stand up. And more importantly, it makes me acutely aware of the fact that it’s been a while since I got laid.

I shake off my shocking amount of arousal.

“Fine,” I bite. I look at the other two. “Get a pen.”

Landon rises, grabbing one out of a drawer, while Clint glares at me. I glare right back.

With the pen in hand, I turn to Shane. “Make the revisions.”


I nod. He makes some scribbles, crossing some things out. He hands it over to me, and I look through it. True to what I asked for, the changes were made. Including the one that says that if we sell the ranch, the Wild Spur gets to put in the first offer.

I reread the contract, combing through it, making sure I didn’t miss anything. Finally, there’s nothing I can do except one last thing.

I don’t want to do this. However, there’s a sliver of hope here. I can control for some of these things. They want to charge me for labor to fix equipment and shit? They’re going to find everything fixed. Everything running in top shape.

With a sigh, I sign my name. I look at the three cowboys.

“You start tomorrow.”



About a week in, I have to say that I’m impressed.

Nora and her dad have done their level best to fix everything that needs to be fixed in order for us to get the horses into the fields we need to. Like, everything.

Honestly, they must be working around the clock. Because we leave at somewhere close to five, six o’clock every night, and come back at seven in the morning. And shit gets done while we’re gone.

They only have one horse and one rickety ATV. How on earth are they doing all of this? It blows my mind, honestly.

Today, I think they’re finally burning out the ditches near their alfalfa field. Technically, the fields we’re using don’t need to have anything burned out of them. The horses, vaccinated to the gills, can get water in the ditch itself, so long as the water is running. Plus, they’ll move out in the next couple of days, anyway.

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