Page 13 of Taming Her Cowboys

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“Shane, it is still fucking dark out,” I grumble at him. “I’m not fucking reading that right now.”

“I was up all night. Read it,” he says with a smirk.

I shut my eyes, counting to ten before looking at him. “Is it more important than meeting the farrier to shoe the last ten horses before they ship out to Helena?”


Setting the coffee down, I glare at my friend. “Wrong answer, asshole.”

“Wrong answer? Dude, I found you a solution. The thing you asked for,” Shane says.

His know-it-all tone grates on my nerves. “Great. Thanks. Let’s look at it after we get the fucking thirty head of horses to the farrier.”

“Oh, what’s this? Reading material?”

Landon plops down next to me, grabbing my coffee cup. I glare at him. He takes a sip, then grimaces. “How do you drink this? It’s tar.”

“Two lattes, coming right up,” Shane says, turning to the fancy espresso machine that I have never once used.

I steal the cup back from Landon. “Fuck off. I’m going to go get the horses ready.”

“Clint Wakefield. Sit the fuck down and look at this,” Shane growls.

I bristle, ready to bite his head off, but Landon opens the document and holds it in front of my eyes. “C’mon, man. He literally worked on it all night. You don’t want him to sit and sulk in his little evil genius hut, now do you? You couldn’t release that shit on the world, right?”

Landon’s tone, as always, catches something in me that makes me come down to earth.

“Fine,” I grumble, grabbing the document. “Let me see it.”

My eyes rove through the text. I scan it, flipping through the pages, each one sinking in until I look back up at my friends.

“You want to lease the land from them?”

“Yup.” Shane smiles.

“Explain to me how that’s a better solution.”

“You didn’t finish reading.”

I glance down. “Where?”

“Page sixty-five.”

“Sixty-fucking-five…” I flip to the page, then my eyes widen. I look up at him. “Shane.”


“You’re a dick.”

“No,” Landon says, practically hopping on his feet like a kid in a candy shop. “He’s a genius.”

“A fucking evil one,” I growl.

“Hey, you have to admit. It’s a good idea.” Shane smirks.

It’s not good. Not for the Fosters, anyway. The contract states that we’ll lease the land from them… minus any repairs, labor, or costs incurred to make the land useable.

The labor rates in there? Not exactly industry standard. It’s what the land is rated at, sure, but it’s not going to make a huge difference for them. Harvesting the alfalfa field alone, if they don’t have the right equipment, is going to make back the rent on that one field.

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