Page 3 of Deadly Ruse

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“Um…” I tug on my ear. I’ve already told at least five people we’re sold out for the day. Yet, there is one slice left—the one I put aside for me. I deserve it after today’s hustle. But you can count on me as one of the people who can be swayed with just a charming smile. I glance around the room and try to recall who ordered a piece. Most people have cleared out. “It’s your lucky day. There is one piece left,” I say in a hushed tone.

He glances to his left, around me, undoubtedly curious why I’m whispering, then he leans forward. “Is it a secret?”

Think of something witty.

“I guess you haven’t heard,” I whisper back, leaning forward. “The town has this thing where if an out-of-towner eats the last slice of cherry pie.” I cringe, exaggerating by glancing around. “They’ll put you in jail.”

Really? That’s what you thought of? Arrested? Kill me now.

He surprisingly plays along. “What’s the charge?”

Shit. Now what do I say?

“Illegally hypnotizing a server because that is the only way you’d get the last piece of pie.”

You should’ve stopped while you were ahead. Horrible, Kali.

He playfully acts serious, narrowing his eyes, then winks. Yes, he winked at me.

“Sounds like it’s worth the risk,” he says.

Okay…the morbidly embarrassing banter was worth the wink.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

His laughter follows me as I walk away, laughing softly to myself.

Susie catches me exhaling through puffed-out cheeks. “Sweetie, you’ve got yourself a looker,” she says, trailing behind me into the back.

“That he is, but there’s only window shopping for this girl,” I mutter to myself as I grab my piece of pie from the fridge, placing it on a plate and topping it with whipped cream.

Joe’s brows furrow. “I thought you said if anyone touched that, you’d bite their fingers off.”

I shrug. “Customers first, right?”

“More like a hot college kid first,” Susie adds.

Joe tosses out kissy noises when I walk past him, making the other guys chuckle. Juveniles. Before pushing through the doors, I flip them off, causing them to howl in laughter. A flutter of anticipation swirls in my belly, and an unfamiliar giddiness takes me by surprise. I’ve served countless people before, and I’ve never been this excited to deliver food to someone. It’s sad, but this is the highlight of my mundane week. Possibly a month.

I slide the plate on the table and say, “You better love this. It’s about to cost you your freedom.”

He looks at it and hums.

It does look amazing, doesn’t it? The amount of cherry filling that fills the middle makes this pie amazing—not too sweet, not too tart. And it has the perfect golden crust…

“Wanna sit and share it?”


But that would be weird.

I let out an awkward laugh. I can’t remember the last time I was this flustered as I look down and straighten my name tag, even though I know it’s straight because every morning I pin it at least five times until it’s perfect. “That piece of pie is all yours.”

He tilts his head, as if he’s trying to decipher my thoughts, then he surprises me when he asks, “This was your piece, wasn’t it?”

My cheeks flush. “You caught me. It was. But you look like you needed it more than me.”

He puts the fork down and nods. “I look desperate, don’t I?”

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