Page 20 of Deadly Ruse

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“How did you find her all the way out here if your ranch is a few miles down the road?” I know the drill. I was expecting it. It’s protocol. The first on the scene is always suspect number one.

I point to Riggs. “He did what he was trained to do. He must’ve heard her screams, but I didn’t until I cleared those trees.” I point to the clearing. “We were out searching for a doe who Riggs has become fond of. He barked when he found the doe, then he took off running in this direction.”

“A doe?”

I shrug. “She’s always out here. And I don’t have a say in who he can make friends with.”

The young officer’s lips quirk up as he writes his notes. This is probably a first for him. Hell, I’ve from the city and have seen a lot of shit, and it’s a first for me. I can’t imagine they see too much action out here in the country. Unlike the city, where shootings and murders feel like a daily occurrence. “Did you notice anything when you got here? Anyone hanging around?”

“No. Riggs was already digging when I got here, and had there been someone around, he would’ve warned me.”

“Have you ever seen this woman before?”

I shake my head. “Never.”




Something easily taken for granted.

Sometimes even irritated by it.

When that sense has been forcibly stripped away from you, the yearning for it becomes insatiable. You crave it. It drowns out the nightmare threatening to put me back in the box. Each time I shut my eyes, the boxed darkness seeps into my veins, and spiders crawl over me, making every breath a struggle. The adjacent room complained the TV was too loud. Instead of telling me to turn it down, they were moved to a room further away. The night nurse encouraged me to blast it as loud as I’d like. And to my credit, I’ve been hooked to a machine to pull the carbon dioxide from my system, which isn’t exactly quiet.

A psychiatrist and a therapist—Dr. Betty—visited me yesterday and prescribed medicine to help me sleep, but I looked at them like they were crazy.

Did they expect me to sleep?

But my restless mind battled my anxious thoughts, and I gave in, taking the pill to quiet my mind. Moments of blankness followed. However, when I awoke this morning, I wished for more of the pills to take away the haunted memories, because they forged themselves front and center with the dawn of the day.

I lift my bandaged fingers up in the air. All ten digits required dressing, and I want to be thankful I survived, but the man who put me down there is still out there. Is he waiting for another opportunity to put me back? Did I escape death, and he’ll make sure next time there will be nowhere for me to escape? How can I live knowing he’s still out there?

The fear is a death sentence in itself.

Everyone knocks before they enter. Even the nurses don’t come in unannounced. So, when a knock comes, I stare at the door.

Dr. Betty enters with a warm smile, pulling up the rolling chair. Her gray hair cascades long and thick at the sides of her face, giving her a youthful appearance. “How’d we sleep last night?” Her voice carries a soothing tone, reminding me of my mom’s, which has a natural calming effect.

“No nightmares, no spiders, so I guess okay.”

“How do you feel this morning?”

“Like there’s a man out there who wants me dead.”

She lays her hand on my arm and gives it a comforting squeeze. We talked last night about who she could call for me, and when I mentioned there wasn’t anyone, she discreetly masked her concern. Yet, I caught a glimpse of sadness in her eyes—much like now. I’ve spent my entire life being pitied, and the shame, as if it’s my fault, never goes away. But I don’t need people’s sympathy. I’m not a broken girl.

Well, I might be now.

I could have given her Pearl’s number, but since finding out I’m two hours away, she’d have to take time off, and she can’t afford that. Besides, I’m not her responsibility. I can’t bring this burden to her front door. I’m on my own.

“The Texas Rangers were called in to help. They’re here and would like to talk to you, but I wanted to come in here first to check if you’re ready.”

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