Page 116 of Deadly Ruse

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With each step, I draw closer and closer to him, but the aisle feels like it stretches for miles.

When we reach the end, Ari steps forward to fan out my train. Paxton rubs his hands down his suit, then grabs my hands, a nervous chuckle escaping my lips. At least I’m not the only one who’s nervous. Riggs stands next to Liam.

I draw in a deep breath and release it slowly, trying to steady my heart.

The clouds above darken, and I stare at Paxton, trying not to panic. It’s not supposed to rain. So much for a five percent chance of rain. Please don’t rain yet. Not now. At least our vows aren’t long.

He squeezes my hands and winks at me, whispering, “We’ve got this.”

The pastor starts the ceremony, but his words are a blur. My attention is completely on the man in front of me, so I hardly hear a word he says. The warmth of Paxton’s hands, the scent of his cologne, the unwavering love in his eyes—it’s all consuming.

Paxton begins with his vows.

“Sweet Kalico,” he says. I bite down on my quivering smile as I’m transported back to the song on the roller coaster. “How do I say in words how much I love you? Because I don’t think they exist. Forever isn’t long enough. The ocean isn’t deep enough, and the universe isn’t big enough.”

I stand as still as a board, letting the rawness of his words wash over me, feeling them like a tender caress on my skin.

“So, let me show you every day for the rest of our lives. You often say that I’m your hero. But you, my love, are the hero of our story. Your strength alone has built the solid foundation that we stand on. You inspire me every day to be a better version of myself, to grow and prove that I’m worthy of you. I promise to make you laugh, hold you when you cry, and never make you ride a roller coaster again.”

I will hold him to that promise.

“I will protect you. I will cherish you. I will love you till death do us part.”

God, I love this man. With every fiber of my being.

“Kali,” the pastor prompts.

Oh. It’s my turn.

“Paxton…my hero,” I say, lifting a brow in playful defiance. He will never change my mind about that. “But you are so much more than that. You have shown me that love can heal the deepest of wounds. And I was able to be loved.” I pause to clear the emotions clogging my throat.

He squeezes my hands, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

“I was alone in this world, and now my heart is overflowing. You have stood by me through every trial and triumph. And we made it.” My voice cracks as it hits a higher octave. I stare down at our joined hands and focus on breathing. Sniffles come from the crowd. Finish, Kali. I lift my gaze, and his concerned expression asks if I’m okay. I nod. “You…you gave me a fam—” The word gets caught in my throat.

“And we all love you,” Grams says and the cousins whoop and holler. If Paxton wasn’t holding me, I’d melt into the ground in a sobbing mess. I turn and glance at her in the front row and hold my hand to my heart.

“I love y’all,” I whisper.

She blows me a kiss, and I turn back to Paxton.

“They aren’t helping me get through this,” I say through a sobbing chuckle.

He chuckles once and brings my hand to his lips.

“Thank goodness I went second.” I blow out the nerves. “I love you, Paxton. You are my hero, my love, my forever partner in every sense of the word. I promise to love you with everything that I am, today, always, and forever.”

The pastor looks at Paxton. “Do you have the rings?”

Paxton snaps a quick command, and Riggs trots over, sitting obediently next to him. Paxton pulls the rings from the little pouch around his collar. I give him a rub on the head. Best ring bearer ever.

We each repeat our lines, slip the rings on, and then hear the pastor say, “You may now kiss the bride.”

Paxton wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in. He kisses me with a promise—a silent vow that we’ll finish this moment later.

“Wife,” he mutters against my lips, his breath warm and intoxicating.

“Husband,” I whisper back.

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