Page 93 of Twisted Wings

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“Okay, momma, we‘ll go clean her up while you finish here.” The nurse bends over to take Ember out of Sydney’s arms and I shoot up, my chair sliding across the floor.

“Where are you taking her?”

“It’s okay, Dad, we’re just taking her to the nursery to get her weighed and cleaned up,” she responds in a placating tone.

My spine straightens. “You switch my baby, there’s not a corner you’ll be able to hide in.” Sydney yanks on my shirt, hushing me.

The nurse chuckles, lowering Ember into a little rolling bed. “It’s okay. I’ve heard it all,” she says, looking up with a bright smile. “But I can say, his is the most convincing. I promise you won’t be leaving here with a different baby.”

I narrow my eyes at the woman, pulling my phone out. “The pink package is rolling out,” I relay to Stone, not taking my eyes off the bundle of pink. “And run a background check on Nurse Finley.” Her head lifts and she rolls her eyes.

“Max, stop,” Sydney says, slapping my thigh. “The last person you want to piss off is the woman handling our child.”

Shit. She’s right. “Scratch that. Buy Nurse Finley any car she wants.”

Sydney covers her face with her hand and the nurse rolls the bed out of the room, laughing. Well, at least she’s not leaving mad.

Addison walks from across the room and leans over to give Sydney a hug. “She’s precious. And already has Max wrapped around—” She winces, doubling over on the bed.

“Addison,” Sydney and I both say together. I round the bed to her side.

“Oh, no.” She snorts, holding her protruding belly, looking down. I follow her gaze to the puddle on the floor. Sydney gasps and follows it with a squeal of delight.

“Looks like we’re not done having babies today,” I say over my shoulder, rushing out to get Aiden.

Five years later

“Remember when you were excited to play hide n’ seek with her?” Sydney exhausts, pulling the curtain away from the window, looking for our half-pint. We’ve been looking for her for an hour. “Ember Reese, you win. You can come out now.” Her voice travels through the huge house as we walk out of the sixth bedroom we’ve cleared. The undertone of irritation is covered by sweetness in her voice. Although she should know by now, our daughter is not a quitter. “We have to find her before everyone gets here.”

“I know the quickest way to get her out of her hiding spot,” I say, stopping her in the hallway and pushing her body against the wall. She glances at me surprised. Pressing into her, I pull her leg up to wrap around me. “I think she can smell when daddy is getting fresh with mommy.” She laughs and nods knowing I’m right. Bending over to bring my lips to her natural full red ones, I revel in the taste of the woman that still owns me.

“Mommy! Daddy! You’re supposed to be wooking for me.”

I chuckle against Sydney’s lips as Ember forces herself in-between the two of us. Sydney drops her leg and we both look down at large ice-blue eyes and a head of wild blonde curls.

“What do you think we were doing?” I say, throwing her up in the air. Her giggles fill the hallway. Her giggles morph to squeals when she hears the doorbell.

“Everyone is here!” She dashes down the stairs before Sydney can even tell her to be careful.

Sydney and I walk down the stairs hand in hand. “Can you believe she’s five?” she says, looking over at me.

I sigh, shaking my head. “Can we have another one?” Her eyes widen and she hits me on the arm. “What? You’re the one who wanted five.”

“Yeah, I hadn’t had quick stop Emmy yet.” I chuckle at our nickname for her. She’s been running since she was ten months old and hasn’t stopped since. I never thought a pint size human could tire me out. She has proven me wrong. Repeatedly.

We watch Aiden and his crew file in. Ember runs to Brooklyn and the two fall to the ground in a hug and a fit of giggles.

“Do you ever wonder what they’re laughing at?”

Sydney just smiles. “Best friends will always have their own language. You might as well stop trying to understand.” She drops my hand and runs to Addison, giving her a hug. I wait for the uncontrollable giggles, but they never come. I can’t help but stare at Addison’s belly. Fucking number five. Aiden wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted ten.

I just want one more.

Sydney’s career skyrocketed, and she’s at a point where she’s calling her own shots. We’ve talked about her taking the next year off to try for baby number two.

“Feel like having some target practice,” Aiden chuckles, standing beside me on the last stair. We both listen to the choppers outside, flying overhead as they try to get pictures of Sky.

“I would if I could.” Truthfully, they don’t bug me as much as the guys who get up in our face when we’re out. Those fuckers deserve what they get. The few cameras I’ve had to buy was worth the look of fear in their eyes. We’ve come to a mutual understanding for the most part. I’ll get a rogue paparazzi now and then. He learns where he stands in this relationship real quick. Far, far back.

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