Page 8 of Twisted Wings

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“I was hoping you had left.”

“After what you just said?” he asks, standing up. “We need to clear that shit up. Right now. Do you even know what that means?”

“Yes,” I huff. Well, sort of. “Sorry. I should’ve never said it.”

“Is that what you think? That I have pets?”

I nervously wave my hand around. “Look, Max, I’m not judging your sexual preferences. It is what—”

His booming laugh interrupts me. “I’m not denying that I like to have full control in the bedroom.” I swallow, the heat that hasn’t had time to completely cool sizzles again. He takes a couple steps toward me and my heart beats quicker. “But I would never expect a woman to hand over control of her life to me. That isn’t my thing.”

Am I your thing?

My eyes widen, surprising myself by my thoughts. No. No. No. I’m not his thing. He made that clear. I hurry past him and stuff my makeup into my bag. “I need to get out of here. Thanks Max, for coming to my rescue. Again.” I squeeze my eyes shut for a second. How do we keep getting here? I’m like a damsel in distress for Max to save.

I rush out of the dressing room, thankful the sound of heavy steps isn’t following me. The only thing I hear him say is, “Anytime, Tink.”

Chapter Four


“I need to go home.”

“Now?” Graham whines, slamming his hands on his desk, standing up. “Sky, you get a break and you want to leave now?” He clears his throat as he reaches his upper register. He’s freaking out.

“Not forever. Only a week,” I reassure him.

He plops down into his black leather chair and eyeballs me with defeat. I’m not the only one that got a break. I’m his golden ticket, waving it as I walk out.

I couldn’t sleep last night. Addison, unaware of my location, has me knotted up with guilt. Here, I was assuming she didn’t have time for me, but the truth was I didn’t make time for her. With too many unresolved emotions, I have to work through them if the music industry wants all of me. The real me.

“Are you going back to Addison?” he asks quietly. He might not have ever asked questions, but he knows our past and how close we were. Were. Tears gather in the corner of my eyes admitting to myself that we’re not close anymore. For god’s sake, she has a child that I’ve never seen before.

I glance behind him, at the lush scenery out his window. “I am.” He sighs loudly and I jerk my head his direction. “Graham, I want a singing career. I’m coming back.”


“Yes.” My lips quirk up to a smile.

“You bringing that brooding sexy beast back with you?” His eyes light up and I laugh out loud.

“Probably not.” He sticks out his bottom lip, pouting. “You know he doesn’t hit for your team, right?”

“Oh girl, they all hit for my team, they just don’t know it yet.”

I smack my head, shaking it. “Max runs a security firm in Connecticut, he’s only here for Addison.”

“Are you sure about that?”

A bitter laugh slips out. “Max saves people for a living. He’s doing his job. Nothing more.” If it was anything else, he would’ve been here long ago, since he’s known where I’ve been from the beginning.

“That’s about as believable as him hitting for my team.”

* * *

My stomach drops as we catapult into the air. The wheels folding up into the plane vibrate at my feet. I don’t mind flying, but I hate taking off and landing.

“You all right over there?”

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