Page 65 of Twisted Wings

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I scream when I hear the sound of the door being unlocked. The door swings open and a large figure throws his body on me, his hand covering my mouth.

“Get her legs so she stops kicking me,” he demands.

My heart stops.

There is more than one of them.

Chapter Thirty


“Everything good on your end?”

“Yep. All quiet here,” Stone replies. “A neighbor kid brought over a crate earlier. Syd didn’t seem too happy.”

I chuckle into the phone. “Must be her cat. They have a love-hate relationship.” I thought the cat was cool as hell.

“That was her only visitor. She’s tried to watch TV a couple times, but other than that, her lights have been off.”

“She’s exhausted. Hell, so am I.”

“Then why the fuck you calling me?” he jokes.

I grumble, running my hand over my jaw. Why am I calling? I trust Stone with my life, so it’s not that I’m worried. I just wish it was me there with her and not Stone parked outside her apartment. I was hoping she would call me after she got my text, but if she fell asleep, I wouldn’t blame her. We had a long night, and I made sure she’d be feeling me for the days I couldn’t be there.

“Did you find him?”

I stare at the large two-story Spanish colonial-style home up the hill, surrounded by desert, cactus and pine trees. “Not sure yet. Kase is getting ready to run surveillance.” The house belongs to the head of a drug cartel’s daughter which made this trip that much more complicated.

“Good luck and stop worrying about her,” he mutters.

I haven’t stopped worrying about her in two years. I sure the hell won’t stop now. When I hang up, I glance at Kase. “Anything?” I ask as he stares through binoculars. Glancing out the dirty window of our hotel, darkness settles on the impoverished town.

“Nope. I haven’t seen anyone come or go.” We’ve been here for three hours, watching.

Plans formulate in my head, but not knowing why he’s in there makes it hard to nail one down. The intel we got confirmed he’s there. If only I knew why. “It’s time to take a closer look,” Kase says, handing me the binoculars. Slipping out the door, dressed in all black, Kase makes his way up the hill. I try to keep him in my sights through the binoculars, after he parks the car, hidden from the road, but I can’t see anything in the darkness. Instead, I focus on the house. It’s illuminated by the landscape lights, making it appear to be floating in the surrounding darkness.

“Almost there,” Kase confirms into my earpiece a half hour later. I try to find him again with no luck. This is why I hired him. They trained him to be a ghost. “In place. Red Robin’s in the air.”

I open the drone camera app on my phone. It’s designed to search for heat signatures. I count four. “It looks like they’re all in one room. I’m gonna get closer and try to see into a window.”

“Copy that.”

Scenarios run through my mind. Typically they separate imprisoned people. So either he’s dead, or he’s one of the four. Which begs the question, what the fuck is he doing?

I open another app that shows the camera feed from Kase’s earpiece. The screen lights as he approaches a window.

“You seeing this,” he whispers.

My jaw clicks. “Yes,” I sigh. Four people sitting around a table, playing cards. Rex is one of them. I rub my temple, imagining every way I can bring pain down on him. He’s caused our mom so much grief. And for what? “I don’t know what to fucking think.”

The woman stands and wraps her arm around Rex. The other two men at the table continue playing, ignoring them. Rex’s body hardens and his hands fist, but he stands up with her with a forced smile. “Something’s off,” I say, narrowing in on his body language. “You rarely tense when a beautiful woman wraps herself around you.”

“Look at his ankle.”

My eyes move down his body and the glow of a tiny blinking light around his ankle catches my attention. Well, son of a bitch, he’s not here on his own terms. I shouldn’t be relieved that he’s being held prisoner. And I know I shouldn’t laugh, but the bastard finally got himself into something he can’t get out of. Seducing a woman to gain access to whatever he’s after is his modus operandi. Seems he seduced the wrong woman.

Kase heads back to the hotel so we can figure out our next move. I stare at the phone in my hand and pull up Sydney’s number. It’s one in the morning, her time. I let out a long sigh, knowing I can’t call her right now. How the hell is our relationship going to work if we live on two different coasts and I can’t stand being away from her for one fucking night?

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