Page 54 of Twisted Wings

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“I can’t promise things outside my control—”

His gasp stops me. “You’re admitting you can’t control everything?”

I narrow my eyes at his sarcasm. The elevator finally opens and we wait for it to empty before stepping into it. I press the buttons for the eleventh and twentieth floors. “But I can promise I’ll do everything in my power to make sure we both stay safe,” I say, ignoring his comment.

“Okay. You have my blessing.” He smirks, walking off on his floor. Smart ass. “Time to go fix my pencil,” he yells as the doors close.

A large hand slips inside just as the doors almost shut. The doors open again and Kase hops on. “Is that code for jacking off?” he jokes, pointing the direction Graham walked. I laugh.

“Nah. At least not this time.” He chuckles but gives me a quizzical look after observing my wet clothes. “We went for a run. I need to change before the meeting starts so I’ll meet you guys in the meeting room in ten.”

“Got it, boss.”

“What’d we find on Brett McDonald?” I ask, glancing up from my notepad. “We know that he delivered the first set of flowers.”

The guys stare at me. I swear I just asked a question. Stone tilts back in his chair. Hudson crosses his arms and Kase lifts a brow as if waiting on me to say something.

It’s clear as day, that’s exactly what they’re doing.

I throw my arms out. Let’s get it over so we can move on. “Sydney and I are dating. Satisfied?” I pause for a beat, my gaze rounds the table meeting smirks and nods. I fight the burn on my face, dropping my eyes to my notes. There’s never been a time I’ve had to announce my relationship with a woman. “Okay, moving on. What’d we find on Brett?” I steer the conversation back to business, leaving no room for questions.

“Nothing. No priors, a couple speeding tickets… on paper, he looks like an upstanding citizen,” Stone states, holding up his record.

“Married?” I ask.

“Nope. Attended the University of New Mexico, where he grew up. I haven’t found any link that would connect him to Sydney other than working for the tour company.” I scratch my head, wondering if I misread him. It’s possible he just has a crush on Sydney.

“I saw him,” Kase says. “He was pissed. We need to watch him. Just because he’s clean on paper doesn’t mean he’s not our guy.”

“I agree. This is the last week of the tour, if he plans on doing something, it’ll be soon.” I sigh at my next bullet point. “Any updates on Rex?”

“Cody talked to the team. They’re adamant about not knowing his whereabouts.”

“Does he believe them?”

“He does.”

“He didn’t by chance ask about their last heist, did he?”

He smirks. “He did. They denied being involved in anything illegal.” Figures they care more about getting caught than their leader. “He did some digging for any high-profile thefts in the weeks leading up to your mom’s call. There was one - in Mexico.” He slides over a printout of an article. I skim it, noting the dollar amount of the jewels stolen. 1.1 million.

Son of a bitch. Where the fuck you hiding, Rex?

“Tell him to get me all the info he can on the robbery.”

I slide my phone over, search for Aiden’s number and hit call. He answers on the first ring, “Hey hashtag boy.” He will never let me live that down.

“Hey fucker, you’re on speaker with the team.”

He laughs. “Hey guys.” They all return the greeting. “Any leads on Sydney’s case?” His voice drops the humor. I fill him in on Brett, but the lack of anything else is disappointing to report.

“I’m calling for Rex. Know anything?”

“Other than he’s an asshat little brother and has a questionable occupation?”

“Don’t be bitter just because you guys can’t catch him in the act.” A slight sense of pride wells inside my chest. I’m not proud of what he does, but I have to respect that he has perfected his craft. If you’re going to do something, do it right.

“Hardy har-har. It’s just a matter of time.” That’s if he’s still alive.

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