Page 47 of Twisted Wings

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I pull back, trying to act immune to her body. I force my gaze to look for Brett, but he’s gone.

“He saw,” Kase says into my ear. “He wasn’t happy.”

“Keep track of him.”

I flinch as a hand slaps my cheek. Jesus Christ! She needs to stop slapping me. I look down at a pissed off Sydney. “Really?” she sneers, her hands on her hips. “You’re such an asshole, Max.” She whips around and walks away.

I grab her arm and spin her around. “What the hell, little girl. What the fuck was that for?”

Her jaw tics and she growls. It’s kind of hot. “Don’t. Call. Me. That.”

“Then stop acting like one and use your words.” I get in her face, not caring that we’re causing a scene. All my suppressed desire's about to snap.

“Oh, you’re one to talk. Use my words… that’s rich coming from someone who never uses them. Fuck. You. Are those words good enough?” she spits in my face. “Stop toying with my emotions.” Her arm twists in my hand and she yanks it back.

I’m trying to keep her safe, dammit. I catch up to her again, pulling her back into my chest. “They haven’t done anything in a couple weeks. I needed to light a fire,” I whisper-yell in her ear. The rise of my chest hits her back.

“Yeah, you’re all about lightin’ fires but nowhere around to put ‘em out,” she says over her shoulder. She twists away from me again and walks off, leaving me there, regretting kissing her. She’s right, I shouldn’t have done it.

Because now, I need more.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Light a fire? I’m about to light a fire and burn his ass down. How dare he kiss me like he owns me and then pretend it was for the job. My whole body shakes with fury. “Ugh!” I scream out. That man infuriates me. I jump at a knock at the door. It’s probably Hudson making sure I’m okay. Well, no, I’m not. I’m pissed.

I swing open the door to yell at him, because… well, he’s guilty by association. When a hotel staffer greets me, I snap it shut and peek around him to a grinning Hudson. I exhale and paste on a fake smile. “Hi.”

“Good evening, Ms. Owen. Here is what you ordered.” He hands me an ice bucket.

My brows furrow as I stare down at the brown bucket. “I… I didn’t order anything.” I lift the lid, my eyes widen in disbelief. There’s a small note on top.

Hope this makes you feel better. ~M

You have got to be kidding me. I smash down the lid and go to hand it back to the guy, but I only see Hudson. Sticking my head out my door, I glance down the hall and watch the staffer disappear into the elevator. I’m about to chuck the whole thing down the hallway, but then think how bad that’d look in a gossip magazine if it got out. Turning my glare to Hudson, he winks at me. “Your boss is an asshole,” I scoff and slam the door shut. His laugh carries through the door.

“Men.” I smash the bucket on the kitchen table and scowl at it, fuming. I can’t believe he sent me vanilla ice cream. If this was his way of trying to apologize, he should of at least sent me my favorite flavor. Not freaking his.

Another knock on the door. I debate if I want another surprise that’ll make me want to hurl more things at Max. Whoever it is, doesn’t wait long until they knock again.

I swing the door open and say, “I don’t wa—”

Max’s large body fills the doorway as he leans against it. He’s sporting basketball shorts and a grey t-shirt that barely fits around his muscular arms. Casual Max makes me forget my name as I drink him in.

“I hear you’re not happy with my gift?” he rasps, playfully, reminding me about his thoughtless gift. His expression brightens as my irritation grows. He takes a step inside and I back up, leaving at least a body’s length between us. The only sound in the room is the click of the door closing.

“What are you doin’?”

He takes another step forward. “I came to have some ice cream.” My eyebrows pop up. He acts like this is freaking Dairy Queen.

I point to the table. “You can take your plain ass vanilla ice cream and go back to your own room.”

He gasps, mocking surprise. “You said you liked vanilla.”

“No, that was your favorite. Not mine.”

A wolfish grin pulls at the corners of his mouth. I’m confused by the heated look in his eyes as he takes another step. The air thickens around me and my body hums. You’re reading him wrong. I berate myself for thinking otherwise. Just like the kiss earlier… it was strictly business.

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