Page 44 of Twisted Wings

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Sydney’s posture straightens, and she takes a step closer to me. I stop myself from looking down at her wondering what the hell. “You two know each other?” The excitement in her voice thirty seconds ago falls flat. Preston’s brows rise. His confusion is on par with mine. Don’t get me wrong, I may be confused, but I’m happy as fuck she’s getting territorial with me.

“We do,” I reply, wondering how Savanah plans on explaining our acquaintance. “It’s been a long time, Savanah.”

“Too long,” she says in a sing-song voice. “I see you’ve given up your rule about staying in the background.”

Every rule I’ve ever enforced is tossed out the door for Sydney. I shrug as if it’s not a big deal despite knowing the repercussions that could happen from placing myself in the public eye. My business could suffer. Shaw Security has a reputation of confidentiality and covertness and I’m putting that at risk. Although, I’ve maintained that with my team being here. I’m the only one who’s been by her side, making me more susceptible to the public eye.

“And Sky, I’m so excited to meet you. I love your song, ‘Take Me Back.’”

“Thank you, it’s great to meet you too.” I watch her paste a fake smile on her face. To everyone else, it looks genuine. Except, she’s not happy. It’s killing her not knowing how Savanah and I know each other. And since she was a client, I can’t disclose that information. She hired my team because she was having issues with an ex-husband and worried about her safety. When Savanah doesn’t divulge the specifics of our relationship, it only leaves Sydney to guess. And by her body language, her guess is not accurate. Girls are catty because I’m certain Savanah did that on purpose. When we walk away, I break another fucking rule.

“She was a client,” I whisper.

“I figured,” she says coolly, yet her body relaxes next to me. “She doesn’t seem your type. She’s too tall.”

I throw my head back in laughter. “That’s a big observation, considering you’ve never met a past girlfriend.”

She stops and pins me with her gaze. “Am I wrong?”

I think back to the women I’ve been attracted to. “They might have been on the shorter side.” None compare to the five-foot-two gorgeous woman standing in front of me though. So, if I have a type, it’s not what they look like, it’s Sydney. She flashes a grin and spins on her heel.

As I watch her float around the room, I question why I’m here again. The compulsory need to help her seems to be ingrained so deep inside me, it’s jarring. From the first day we met in Aiden’s hospital room to the day we jumped out of a plane, the effect she had on me differed from any other woman. But I couldn’t pinpoint why. Why was I so attracted to her? She’s beautiful, intelligent, sensitive yet feisty; I could list everything that I love about her and I’d still be left questioning why her. Although, it’s all irrelevant because her guilt lies deeper than our attraction.

I’m stuck between being a hero and her friend, of which neither will make me happy because I don’t have her.

“You’ve gone quiet,” Sydney says with a slight slur, slinking up my arm. She giggles when I lift a brow. “Right. What was I thinking, you’re a man of few words.” Her eyes gloss over as she waves a hand around, spilling some of her wine on her shirt. Thankfully, it’s chardonnay. “Oopsy.” She grins wide, her perfectly white teeth reflecting in the dim room.

Grabbing the drink from her hand, I whisper, “I think it’s time to go.” The last shot of tequila is in full effect.

“I think you’re right,” she mumbles, wiping the small spill off her bare chest. My eyes dart away, searching for somewhere to put the glass so I don’t offer to help. With my tongue. “I want to look like a fool.”


She shakes her head and chuckles. “I don’t want to look like a fool.”

“Good idea,” I say, wrapping my arm around her waist and leading her to the exit. Before we walk out, I glance down and do a quick assessment of her before we meet the vultures. She looks gorgeous. “Hey, Tink…” When I have her attention, I continue, “… we’re heading outside, say nothing to the paparazzi, just keep walking and ignore them.”

“Okay, Mr. AMA’s Most Wanted.” A security guard overhears her and coughs to hide his chuckle when I glance at him.

“You want me to throw you over my shoulder, don’t you?” I tease.

Her eyes widen and she places her petite hand on my chest, like it could stop me. “Max. I will scream your full name to everyone out there if you do. Aaannnd they’ll love hearing that you’re a millionaire.”

Shit. My smile drops as hers grows. She wouldn’t. Then again, she’s drunk.

“Leverage, baby,” she quips, walking out the door, swinging her sinful ass. At least I know she’s capable of walking on her own.

She flashes a wicked smile as the paparazzi scream their questions.

“What’s my name?”

“Are we dating?”

“Boxers or briefs?”

I tilt my head, staring pointedly at the guy who yelled the last one, and he cowers. Jesus Christ… these people have no limits.

“Co—” I slap my hand over Sydney’s mouth. It wouldn’t embarrass me for people to know that I sometimes go commando, but she’d be mortified in the morning. Her stomach vibrates under my hand from laughing as I lead her to the limo.

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