Page 25 of Twisted Wings

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I tilt my head, reading it again. “Who’s it from?” Graham asks, stepping up to my side. He reads it over my shoulder and I shrug.

“I assume from Addie.” I’m not sure who else they would be from, and she’s always been lousy at poems. My eyes water from a happy heart. We visit at least twice a week on the phone and text all the time. I told her after the tour, I’m taking some time off to spend with her and the family.

“Stop. That.” Graham points to my eyes and shakes his finger in front of my face.

I blink back the tears. “I’m sorry. Everything is just so perfect. And it’s all thanks to you.” Pushing up on my toes, I lay a fat kiss on his cheek.

“This is all you, sweet cheeks. I just pointed you in the right direction.” He peers down at his watch. “And now, it’s time for me to show you again. It’s time.”

Butterflies flutter in my stomach. I squeal and dance in place; the excitement rushing through me. Preston Scout, the headliner, pops his head into the room. “Hey Sky. Good luck out there.” His deep twangy voice reminds me of home.

My eyes twinkle over and I dreamily say, “Thanks.” He winks and leaves.

“You need to stop that too,” Graham whispers into my ear. I slap him in the chest with the back of my hand, still staring at the spot Preston just left. I can’t get over I’m his opening act. “Okay, dreamy eyes, it’s time for you to shine.” He guides me by the elbow out into the hallway.

“Oh, wait,” I stop, lifting my finger. “Be right back.” I rush into the dressing room and text Addie thanks for the flowers. She’ll worry I didn’t get them if I say nothing. I toss my phone back in the bag, take a deep inhale and exhale. This is it. My dream is about to come true.

* * *

“Here’s to the first show going off like fucking fireworks,” Jay, my guitarist, declares, holding up a shot glass filled to the brim. My band and Preston’s band are all gathered in the green room, winding down.

“And to Sky for killing it on stage,” Preston says. “I even heard some people chanting your name when I got on stage.” I almost fall off the arm of the chair I’m sitting on.

“Shut up! They were not. But thank you.” I lift my drink and all the guys follow suit. I’m the only woman in the room and it surprises me. I always had these images of major partying with drugs and orgies going on in every corner backstage. I chuckle to myself when I glance around the room at all the guys sprawled out in their chairs relaxing.

“Is it always this tame? After a show?”

“Is our little wild cat looking to party?” Phillip says. Preston’s bass guitar player pours himself and me another shot.

I shake my head fast and down the shot, the taste barely a burn. “No. I’m about to fall over dead from coming off my adrenaline rush. I thought… backstage would be… crazier.”

“It can be sometimes, but not most of the time. If we want to party, we’ll go find one before taking off on the buses,” Preston explains. Everyone continues to inform me what I should expect the rest of the tour. I soak it all in, feeling out of my league. One minute I’m fainting on stage and the next I’m on tour with one of the hottest country music singers.

I will kill whoever wakes me up from this dream.

“So, Sky… inquiring minds want to know, are you single?” Chaz, Preston’s drummer, asks.

I awkwardly laugh when all eyes turn on me. I can’t tell them my fiancé died last year and now I can’t stop thinking about his best friend so I keep it simple. “Yes.” Chaz opens his mouth, but I cut him off. “But, I don’t date people I work with.”

He flashes a wicked smile. “Who said anything about dating?” Preston smacks him upside the head. “What? You can’t blame a guy for trying. Look at her. She’s hot.” He waves his hand in my direction and I can feel the blush of heat on my cheeks.

“She was trying to be nice and tell you she doesn’t want your ugly ass,” Preston jokes. They burst out laughing when Chaz flips him off.

I’m picking up my dressing room, packing everything when I see the flowers, reminding me about my text. I bet Addie texted me back. When I find my phone in my bag, there are a few text messages, but I scroll right to Addie’s.

Addie: I wish I would have thought to send some, but those aren’t from me. I can’t wait to live vicariously through you. Love you!

Hmm. If they’re not from Addie, who could they be from? They’re not from Graham, so that eliminates everyone that I would label my best friend. So weird. I answer my question when I continue reading the other texts, sort of. I stare at the text from a number I don’t recognize.

Unknown: You should say thank you for the roses. Xoxo

I lean against my vanity, debating what to do next. On one hand, I want to thank whoever gave me the roses, but the whole thing seems off. Who would demand a thank you through a text?

Shane comes to mind that he might want to screw with me? He is not going to kill my excitement tonight. I’ll deal with this later.

Walking onto the bus, a mixture of leather and pizza greets me. The sleek modern living room has orange leather seats and shiny metal accents everywhere. The band rushes in and plops down on the seats, digging into the pizzas, like a pile of ants on a sugar mound.

A few months ago, most of these guys were strangers to me, but now, I consider them my brothers. Tug lets out a long belch and my face twists in disgust. Okay, maybe the bus life won’t be the most exciting part of this life. Sleeping with seven guys in a small confined space, I’m dreading the smells.

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