Page 64 of Blinding Echo

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“I figured you’d be happy that it was me taking care of Everly and your kid.”

Kase’s fists squeeze, his knuckles whiten as he remains still and I can see his restraint slipping. Everly must see it too.

“That’s enough, Wayne.” It’s the first time I’ve heard her talk. I focus on her and I can feel her pain, deep inside my body. I shiver at the trespassing emotion. Our eyes lock and I feel like I’m looking into a mirror. “Wayne, you need to leave,” she says without looking away.


She shakes her head and finally looks at him. “No, you need to leave.”

Wayne’s face twists and he pleads with her. “Please don’t take away my son. You told me you wouldn’t.” He wipes his bloody lip with the back of his hand, looking at the blood.

“I can’t do this right now.”

“I’m so sorry, babe,” he says.

She winces and he drops his shoulders in resignation.

“Tell Reed I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”

When he walks past me, I can see tears falling. It’s obvious he loves Everly and Reed. After he drives away, it’s down to two.

I shove my hands in my pockets because things just turned awkward. She looks me up and down, her brows creased. She clears her throat. “I don’t know what to say.”

I let out a muffled laugh. “Hi?”

“Who are you?”

“I’m Ellie. So, it seems we’re twins.”

Her eyes bulge and her mouth gapes open and I imagine that was exactly my expression when I found out. “We were split up when we were born and adopted to different families.” She got the better deal.

She shakes her head fast. “No. That can’t be right. You must’ve received bad information. I’m not adopted.”

She stares at me for a few moments and then takes out her phone. Her hands shake as she presses the call button. I hate this for her right now. At least when I found out, I was happy that I didn’t belong to my mom. She’s about to find out the parents she loves, lied to her.

“Mom, was I adopted?” The words spill out of her mouth with no preempt. “Mom,” she snaps. “Just tell me yes or no.” She gasps and the phone slips from her hand, landing on the ground. A woman’s voice cries out of the phone, calling for Everly. I walk over, pick up the phone and end the call.

“I’m so sorry you had to learn this way.” My voice is filled with regret. I hand her the phone when it starts to ring. She takes it and turns it off. I glance down the street to see if Kase is coming back, but he’s nowhere to be seen.

“You must think I’m a horrible person right now,” she says.

I turn back. “Truthfully, I have no clue what to think right now.”

“Do you… want to come inside?”

I understand her hesitancy. It took a few days to let this sink in before I could talk about it. Now, it feels surreal to be standing in front of someone who has your face, your voice. We shared the same space for nine months, we share pain, we share DNA.

We share the same man.

Yet, there is one thing she’ll always have that I can’t; a child that belongs to Kase. He’s been adamant about not wanting kids, but all of that has changed. He has one with her.

“Please,” she whispers. “You seem to know more about us, and I’d like to talk.”

“I'd like that.” I follow her up the steps.

Once inside, shuffling footsteps come down the hallway. Reed walks into the living room and his eyes widen. “Holy shit!” he whoops, looking back and forth between us.

“Reed Williams,” Everly warns in a way only mothers can.

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