Page 63 of Blinding Echo

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“Mom, I got a hundred in PE.” He flies by me, holding up a piece of paper.

She runs her hand through his hair, her eyes flickering between the two of us. “Good job. Can you go inside, I’ll be in there in a minute.” He turns and stares at me. I freeze in disbelief.

“Hi, I’m Reed.” He holds out his hand. I focus on his little hand. Long skinny fingers. His eyebrow shoots up when I stand there stupefied, struggling to find my voice.

I slowly lift my hand, wrapping it around his. “Hi Reed, I’m Kase.”

“Hmm. That’s a cool name.” My lips curl up.

“Thanks. I like yours too.” His face brightens and I’m staring at myself almost twenty years ago. It’s hard to breathe let alone talk when all I want to do is yell. “How old are you Reed?”

“I’m ten. I look younger because I haven’t hit my growth spurt yet. It’s coming though, isn’t that right, Dad.” My heart stops. I jerk my head up to Everly, my entire insides twisting in a frenzy. Did he call me dad? Everly’s eyes water, her hand covers her mouth, and she shakes her head slightly. What does that mean? He’s not mine, or he didn’t call me dad? I glance back to Reed but his eyes focus on something behind me. I peer over my shoulder to the man leaning against his truck, his eyes pinned on me.

A flash of rage heats inside me. This isn’t happening. He wouldn’t do this. He’s been my best friend since we were born.

“Kase,” Wayne says, pushing off his truck and strolling toward me. “This is a surprise.”

My muscles tighten and I draw my head back stiffly. I laugh without humor. You fucking think?

Whipping back around to Everly, I wait for her to tell me what I’m thinking is wrong. When she can't look at me, she confirms my suspicion. I have a son, and my best friend raised him without telling me. I squeeze the bridge of my nose as my body vibrates with anger. There’s only been one other time anger flowed through every vein in my body and it didn't end well.

“Reed, please go inside.” Everly’s voice breaks. Reed looks at each of us.

“Is everything okay?” he asks, peering at me. His question isn’t directed at me, but I’m the stranger here. I manage to smile at him and relax my shoulders despite my raging pulse.

“It is. Just go and start your homework. Do it in your bedroom,” Everly replies.

His hands flail to the side before they flop down. “What? Why am I being grounded? I didn’t do anything this time.” Despite my annoyance, I grin at the little guy. He even reminds me of me.

“You’re not grounded. I just need you to go in your room, okay?” She lifts his chin so he’s looking at her. He nods his head and goes inside. I blow out a ragged breath.

"Kase, I never meant for you–"

I hold a finger up, grinding my teeth. "Stop," I snap. I shift my attention to Wayne. "You son-of-a-bitch." I leap the three feet that separates us, slamming my fist into his face. His fist connects to my side and we both tumble to the ground, throwing punches and kicks.

“Kase! Stop.” My back stiffens and I push off Wayne, rolling to my side. Everly gasps and I close my eyes knowing today changes everything.


“What the hell?” Wayne rasps in between heavy breathing and spitting blood.

Chapter Thirty-Two


I haven’t ever watched my life fall apart, from the outside, looking in. These last fifteen minutes in the car, observing has been excruciating. I’d thought about getting out of the car, many times, except each time, something new happened. Something life changing, like watching Kase’s name fly out of my twin sister's mouth. Or watching Kase see his son for the first time. My heart broke as soon as I saw the kid's face.

When Kase jumped on the guy, I couldn't wait anymore. What he’s capable of and the thunderous expression written across his face; I knew he'd need someone on his side to help him stop.

So, here I stand, three sets of eyes pinned on me. I didn’t think this through. The silent street fills with panting and grunts from the two guys. Kase rolls over and pushes up to stand and I rush to his side, struggling to avoid the stares from Everly and the guy.

“This is rich, even for you, Kase. What, you can’t have Everly so you found someone who looks just like her?”

“Fuck you, asshole,” he rasps, taking a step toward him. I lay my hand on his chest, halting him. He growls, glaring at the guy. “I’m sorry. I need to take a walk.” He whips around and stomps off.

“That’s right, walk away. You’re good at that.”

Who the hell is this guy? He’s signing his own death warrant and I’m not stopping Kase next time.

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