Page 51 of Blinding Echo

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I jerk my head his way, scowling at him through my sunglasses. We’ve talked about moving in together, and there is no way in hell I’d live out on the water. A day trip is perfect, living on one sounds like a horror movie in the making.

“You’d love it out here,” he continues without glancing over at me. “Not having to worry about neighbors.” No, just bad weather. “Having the most incredible views.” I’m positive it’d get old. “It’d be an adventure, every day.” He peeks over at me and busts out laughing at my gaping mouth.

“It’s not funny! Do you want to live on a boat? I’m not sure I could.” Panic spins in my voice. I love this man, already had thoughts of being with him forever. And it scares me we’re just now having this conversation.

“No, but your reaction was priceless.”

I whack him on the chest. “That was a cruel joke.”

He stands, leaning on the arms of my chair. “Babe, I know you’re not a fan of the water and I’m not living somewhere you wouldn’t.” He plants a hurried kiss on my lips and stands again. The boat slows to a stop. I glance around, the beach far off in the distance, and wonder why we stopped. Ben yells from the front for us to come up there. Kase shrugs when I peer over at him for answers.

“What’s up, Ben?” Kase asks when we reach them.

“Watch,” he points out to the water. “There’s a whale swimming around.”

I smile, remembering back to our first date. I hip bump him. “I’ve heard that before.” He waggles his eyebrows and flashes a cocky grin. It’s hard to believe it was six months ago and how hard I’ve fallen in love with him. I’m so busy reflecting on our journey I don’t notice him taking his flip-flops off. It’s not until he’s climbing over the railing that I come back to the present.

“Kase! What're you doing?”

“Ellie, it’s okay. I’m just going to take a quick dip.”

I struggle with what to do, looking at Ben and Tori. They both shrug, so I look back to Kase. “Did you not just hear Ben? There are whales out there, ready to eat you.”

“The whales won't bother me.”

Ben holds his hands up. “I’m not stopping a SEAL from getting in the water. He knows what lurks down there better than I do.”

My mouth opens to plead with him right as he does a perfect dive into the water. I run to the side of the boat, fisting my fingers around the hot metal rail, scouring the calm waters. Relief flows through me when his head pops up. He runs his hands through his hair, his smile bright under the dripping water. “You should come in, it’s amazing out here.”

“I’m sure it is. I’m good right here though, thanks.”

He floats atop the water like he’s lying on a solid surface, without a care in the world. My eyes flutter over the water looking for any sign of a whale. Or shark. I blow out the breath I wasn’t aware I was holding, relaxing my shoulders and watch the gorgeous man swim instead of freaking out. He knows what he’s doing. His board shorts suction around his muscular legs and I try not to stare too long at the outline of his soft cock, knowing it’s not even close to its full potential. I’m envious of his relaxed nature. He’s the calm to the storm buried deep inside me, making my past a distant memory. The last six months he’s shown me there is more to life than waiting for the past to catch up. He’s my now. I hope my future.

“One more dip and I’m coming up,” he says right before he disappears under the water. Ben comes over, hands me a beer and stares out at the ocean.

“He’s a freaking fish.”

I chuckle, looking out with him, bringing the cold beer to my lips. “I hope he doesn’t forget he’s not the biggest fish in the sea.”

We both lean against the rail. The salty air, the gentle sway of the boat with the sun low in the sky behind us, makes the tranquil moment envelop me in a place of euphoria. For a hot minute.

I jerk up, straight as a board, scanning the dark blue water. “Why hasn’t Kase come up,” I snap, gripping Ben’s arm. A panicked heartbeat slams against my chest as I move along the side of the boat searching for bubbles, ripples, any sign of him. “Ben!” I scream when he doesn’t answer.

“I… I don’t know. But don’t panic.” He holds his hands out as if that will stop me from freaking out.

Too late.

“What’s wrong?” Tori asks, coming from the back of the boat.

“Kase went under… and… and he hasn’t come up.” I point out to the water, every part of my body wanting to jump in and search for him.

It has to have been at least three minutes now.

Still no Kase.

“Where are your life jackets!” I scramble, throwing seat cushions off, searching the storage boxes.

Tori runs to a bench, grabbing one and throws it at me. I haphazardly put it on, snapping it around my chest.

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