Page 35 of Blinding Echo

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I grind my hips causing him to growl between thrusts. He picks up the pace, my thighs slapping against his pelvis and the punishing pace pulls us over together. Our bodies tense and convulse as he falls over onto me. He buries his face in my neck, kissing and sucking. I whimper when he pulses inside me, the nerves still sensitive. “Keep making that noise and round two is coming.” He bites my jaw and pushes up on his elbows. I shift underneath him, lifting my hips and biting my lip knowing it drives him crazy.

A lazy grin spreads across his face. “I’d stay inside you forever if I could.” He pulls out and I wince at the emptiness, surprised I already miss the feel of him inside me. Our union was perfect. A small part of me was hoping it wouldn’t be, it would be my way out. But it wasn’t. It was everything.

The bed dips as he lays down next to me on his side. He grabs part of the sheet and drapes it below his navel. The deep V, like a sign pointing to an erotic destination, is displayed perfectly. His whole body is a work of art. Chiseled with perfection. My eyes drag up his torso when he clears his throat. Our eyes meet and his wicked grin tells me he enjoyed my perusal. I glance up to the ceiling and blush. He’s acutely aware of my body language and it’s such a contrast to most guys whose main goal is how fast they can insert body part A into B. Not Kase. He memorized my body like a map, returning to my favorite places before traveling to his favorite place.

“Why are you embarrassed?” He cups my jaw with his hand, pulling me to face him.

My eyes widen. “I’m not. I’m just not used to being with a guy like you. You’re so intense.”

His brows crease. “Is that good or bad?”

I roll to face him and smile. “Good. It’s refreshing.”

“Like a breath of spring air,” he mocks.

“Not like that. I mean this”— I wave my hand between us— “it was different. It’s hard for me to explain because I’ve never felt like this before.” I moan, laying back, covering my eyes with my arm. “God, I hope I didn’t just sound like a clingy, psycho girl, especially if you’re ready to bail.”

He moves my arm and I loll my head to look at him again. “I’m not ready to bail. I want you to be open about your feelings, to trust me.” How is this man a trained killer? They’re not supposed to have feelings or like talking about them. At least that’s what I’d assume being able to take a life without a blink of an eye. Kase is an enigma—a killer with a conscience. “And I hope someday you'll trust me enough to tell me what happened.” His hand moves to my sheet covered stomach. I swallow back the panic rising. “Not now,” he murmurs as if he’s in my head, hearing everything.

I swat at him, hiding my worry behind a smile. “Stop reading my mind. I thought it was a good thing being with a guy who’s perceptive, but now I’m not so sure.”

He rolls on top of me and says, “I think I need to remind you why it’s so good.” Moving the sheet out from between us, I immediately feel how hard he is.

Yes, I definitely need a reminder.

And a distraction from the conversation I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready to have.

Chapter Eighteen


“Things still good?” Cody tips his beer toward Ellie before taking a gulp.

I glance over as she takes orders from a group of college guys. I’ve found coming here isn’t as fun as it used to be when I was pursuing her. Now, I have to sit back and watch her flirt for tips. It’s infuriating. Once school is over, I’ll make certain working here is in her past. I keep my jealousy in check. Most of the time. One touch, I grit my teeth; if she doesn’t stop it, there’s a shit storm raining down on someone. It’s only happened once. The guy totally deserved the broken nose.

“Better than good.”

“It’s been, what, a couple of months now?” I nod, bringing the brim of the bottle to my mouth. “It’s time to tell her.”

The bottle clinks on the table as I stare at him, taking in a heavy breath. He shrugs unapologetically, knowing he speaks the truth. Ellie and I have a solid relationship but I’m scared to mess it up. It weighs on my conscience every day, but the fear of losing her wins the internal battle.

“I’m hoping she’ll tell me first. It’s her story to tell.”

“It’s both your stories. Her accident changed your life too.”

“It’s not the same.”

“Whatever, dude. I’m surprised you both have been able to keep it secret from each other this long.”

“You and me both. But it’s weird now. I know she’s Everly, but Ellie is a different person. When I’m with her, she’s no longer Everly. Know what I mean?”

He shakes his head. “It’s a jacked-up situation. I'm not sure if anyone would understand.” He waves down Ellie for another beer.

Minutes later she’s placing two new beers down in front of us. She bumps me with her hip and it takes a lot of self-control not to pull her into my lap and kiss her like I own her so everyone sees.

Instead, she gets a wink and with that she walks away. “You’re getting better at that,” Cody smirks. I flip him off. He’s as good at reading people as I am.

“Stone found something on Casper.” His voice lowers, and he leans forward on his elbows. His name isn’t Casper, but it’s the nickname we use because finding anything on him has been challenging. We’ve been able to pin point his whole sex-ring organization, but without taking him out, he’ll just move on to a new city and start over. Not this time. We’re almost certain he’s the one who has the judge’s daughter. Hopefully we’re one step closer to finding her.

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