Page 86 of Fate Loves

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The guys smile, but don’t confirm. Or deny. Aiden and I walk up the hill with Lexi, the three of us linked hand in hand like the ring on her finger. I hope she knows that even when we have a baby, the love we have for her won’t ever change. She will forever be our first child.

She excitedly runs down the hall, counting doors to find hers. When she does, she looks back at us before entering. We nod, giving her confirmation, and hear her squeal before we make it to the room.

My mouth falls open and I gasp as soon as we walk into the room. I slap Aiden on the chest. “You thought I was bad?”

Aiden chuckles and shrugs. “I didn’t know what kids liked then.”

I watch her run up the stairs of a princess castle with a play area on top and a bed on the bottom. She slides down the slide on the other end. It’s a freaking playhouse. Feeling slightly jealous that she loves it so much, I turn to Aiden and say, “Couldn’t he have just bought her a normal bed?” He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his side.

“Don’t be jealous, momma bear.” I pinch his side, hating that he can read me so well. “You know Max would do anything for Lexi. This shouldn’t be a surprise,” he says, leaning his head on top of mine.

I wrap my arms around him, and we stand there watching Lexi go up and down over and over. It doesn’t take long before she wears herself out.

“You ready to get your jammies on?” I ask when she falls on her bed. Her eyes start to droop again, and she nods.

Aiden and I sit beside her when she’s all tucked in. Robin sticks her head in and lets us know she’ll text us if Lexi needs anything.

“It’s been a long day for you,” I say, moving her hair out of her face.

“Thank you,” she says softly.

“For what, sweet girl?”

“For adopting me. I want to be with you forever.” Tears automatically pool in my eyes.

“Oh, Lulu. You have made our lives better. We love you and now your ours. Forever.” I sniff.

“Do I have to call you Mom and Dad?”

“You can call us whatever you want. Whatever feels comfortable to you,” Aiden says, rubbing her stomach.

“I want to call you Mommy and Daddy, but it feels weird,” she says, scrunching up her nose. My heart beats faster hearing those words. I smile at her.

“How about we take it slow. Today is the first day we are officially a family. There isn’t any need to rush if it feels uncomfortable. Whatever you decide won’t hurt our feelings, just remember that. And you can always talk to us about how you are feeling, okay?” She nods and I lean down and give her a hug, kissing her on her forehead before standing up. Aiden does the same thing.

“We love you, Tater Tot. We’ll see you in a week. And then we’ll go on our familymoon,” Aiden says. I giggle at the word. We had to explain to Lexi what a honeymoon was, so she coined the phrase familymoon when we decided to take her somewhere to celebrate her adoption after we get back.

When we reach the door, she says, “I love you, too, Mommy and Daddy.” I hold a hand over my heart, knowing how hard that must be for her to say. It’s been a year since she lost her parents, and I can’t imagine how confusing it is for a six year old to say that to someone else. My smile reaches my tear-filled eyes. Aiden squeezes his hand around mine, and I watch him blink back his tears. We blow her a kiss and turn the lights off. I roll my eyes when the ceiling twinkles with pinhole lights resembling a star-filled night.

She audibly gasps. “Look at the stars,” she exclaims.

“I see it,” I say, trying to sound excited. Aiden laughs. Damn Max! She’s not going to want to come home.

Chapter twenty-eight

“Aiden,” I say, laughing. “You better behave down there.”

“Sweetheart, there are no rules when I’m down here.” He winks, flashing a wicked grin. I’m sitting on a chair in the middle of the dance floor and he’s on his knees, slowly lifting my dress. Whistles and laughter cheer him on. I can feel the blush creeping up my face, as his fingers graze my bare legs, moving higher and higher.

I laugh awkwardly and grab his hands, which are now above my garter. “Stop,” I whisper-yell.

He leans forward, his mouth close to my ear. “I fucking love it when you blush.” I shiver from the warmth of his breath that’s laced with the smell of whiskey. To the outside world, he’s just showing me love. They can’t see his fingers continuing their ascent to my center. He glides a finger across my silk panties. I glare at him with wide eyes and sit up taller to move away from his fingers.

“Stop. Or I’m going to give you the worst case of blue balls you’ve ever had,” I whisper into his ear. His laughter rings out as he sits back on his feet. “Now do your job without getting touchy feely.” I lift my dress and motion with my head toward my leg.

“Yes, ma’am.” A devilish glint in his eyes tells me I probably shouldn’t have said that. He dives in headfirst under my dress. I can feel his teeth score my thighs as he slowly pulls off my garter with his mouth. I cover my face with my hands, hiding. When I feel him remove it from my foot, I lower my hands. The crowd goes wild. He’s dancing around with it in his mouth, showing off his handiwork. He’s thirty, right?

“Let’s get all the single men on the floor,” the DJ announces. Thank God that’s over. I stand and scurry off the stage. Sydney comes and stands by my side, giggling at me. I slap her arm and glare at her.

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