Page 82 of Fate Loves

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He narrows his eyes at me before releasing his arms. “Yep, we’re ready.” I laugh out loud. I knew that would help his situation.

We hear our name and Aiden links our fingers together as we walk in. Our friends and family cheer and clap with our entrance. Tables lined with white cloths surround a dance floor. Decorations of burgundy are placed all over. Lights are strung over the entire ceiling, dancing around from the light breeze coming in. A band is setting up to play, higher up on the stage, but right now the song “At Last” by Etta James plays over the speakers.

I glance at Aiden and raise a brow. “Did you pick the music, too?”

He grins and gives me a carefree shrug. “Maybe one or two songs.”

We make our way to the dance floor and grab the microphone from the DJ. Looking around the crowd, I’m in awe at the amount of love I feel right now. It’s consuming. I feel my face flush, and I look away from everyone. I hate being in front of crowds. Especially being on display. Whew, it’s hot in here. I fan myself and Aiden looks down at me with a concerned look.

“I’m okay. It’s a lot to take in,” I say quietly. He smiles and kisses me on my nose.

“I’m right here, sweetheart.”

I nod and turn back around. He brings the mic to his gorgeous lips and says, “Wow. Can you believe she’s finally mine?” Whistles and clapping drown out the music. “We want to thank everyone for being here. Our new journey begins today and with all of you by our side, we can handle anything that comes our way.” He briefly glances down at me and winks. “Now, let’s celebrate. Someone bring my wife a drink!” He throws the mic to the DJ and swooshes me up in his arms and swings me around. “My wife.” His face beams as he says it again. He sets me down, and Syd comes to my side with two flutes of bubbling champagne. I look at her with wide eyes.

She forgot already.

“Here are your drinks, love birds,” she says, first handing one to me. Well, I guess I can have a sip and then get something else in a minute.

“To my gorgeous wife,” Aiden says, lifting his glass.

“And to my perfect husband.” I bring my glass up to his and clink it. He downs his whole glass before mine has even made it to my lips. When the bubbling liquid hits my mouth, I can immediately tell its cider. My shoulders relax, and I swallow the entire glass, too. The cool liquid moves down my throat and it feels amazing. I didn’t even know I was that thirsty. I look at Sydney and smile wide, mouthing, “Thank you.” She blows me a kiss and takes our glasses.

“I’ll get y’all another one. Be right back.”

The next half hour we make our way around the room, talking to everyone. My cheeks hurt from smiling. Harper brought me some flip-flops so at least my feet aren’t hurting anymore. Lexi has been by our side, her small hand in mine, the entire time. Seeing her smile and her excitement about being adopted has shred every doubt that I might have had. There will always be a small part of me, hidden deep down, that thinks she lost her parents because of me. But I silently vow to them that I will give her the best life I can offer.

We’re talking to Brooks and his nanny, Robin, when my stomach rumbles. I grab my stomach. Aiden looks at me and smiles. “I guess I need to feed my wife.”

Instantly, I feel nauseous. “Oh, my God. I’m going to be sick,” I say, putting my hand in front of my mouth and running to a trashcan. Please, don’t throw up. Please, I beg my body.

“Addison, what’s wrong?” Aiden says from behind me as he rubs my back. I try to take in deep breaths and slowly blow them out. My stomach rumbles again. Shit! My mouth waters and I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for something to come up. How freaking embarrassing to throw up at your wedding.

“Addison, eat these,” I open my eyes and see Bryn standing beside me holding out some crackers. I grab them and stick them in my mouth like I’ve been without food for days. The memory of when I was starving flows through my mind. I shake my head, forcing that memory out. That will not taint my wedding day. Bryn hands me some Sprite to wash it down. I stand by the trashcan, thinking I’ll probably throw it right up, but I start to feel better as quick as I felt sick. I look at Bryn and her soft smile tells me everything. Oh, no. I just got morning sickness. At my wedding. I glance around the room and there are a few concerned faces watching me, one being Aiden.

“Sweetheart, are you okay?” he asks, still rubbing my back.

“Uh, yeah. That was weird. I think my blood sugar was low since I haven’t eaten in hours. I guess maybe we should eat.”

“Okay. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”

“I promise I’m fine.” I’m just growing a baby inside me, and I guess he’s hungry. He nods slowly, still unsure about what just happened. I would tell him, but I’m not ready to tell everyone. If I tell Aiden right now, everyone will know.

Aiden wraps his arm around me like I’m going to fall as we walk to the head table. Pulling out my chair, I take a seat and look up to him. “Aiden, I already feel much better. Stop worrying. I just need food.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t drink anymore,” he says. I bite my lip to hide my laugh. Sydney hits my leg with hers under the table. I look at her and she shakes her head and chuckles. I look over at him when I feel him sitting down. His leg brushes up against my dress.

“I’ll eat before I drink anymore.” I smile wide and he returns it, satisfied with my answer.

Throughout dinner, glasses clink, which seems to be the cue for us to kiss. Usually I wouldn’t mind kissing Aiden, but this steak is incredible. And every time I hear someone clink a glass, Aiden gets excited and I get irritated. Damn people, can’t you see I’m starving?

I accidently huff out loud when I hear another clink, and Syd shakes from laughter. I glare at her and then I notice her half-eaten steak. “Are you going to eat that?” I ask sweetly. My mouth waters just looking at it. When I steal my gaze away and look back at her, her eyes are wide. “What?” I whisper. “I am freaking hungry.” This baby isn’t anything but a bean, but he obviously has a major appetite.

Harper leans forward on the other side of Syd and quietly says, “It must be a boy.” I jolt upright and I peek at Aiden, hoping he didn’t hear. People, this is supposed to be a secret! Aiden’s busy talking to the guys, so I turn back.

“Why?” I whisper.

“Because you’re craving meat.”

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