Page 66 of Fate Loves

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“You made your point,” he says, his voice curt. I stare up into his intense eyes. “I don’t need a reminder that you’ve been with other guys.” What? That wasn’t my point. I let out a bitter laugh and push him off me. His hands have a firm grip on me as he rolls to his back and I land on top of him. I sit up and try to move but his hands on my hips keep me in place.

“Aiden, you don’t get to be a jealous asshole right now. Not after what just happened. I now have a threesome with you fucking Psycho Barbie seared in my brain,” I snap. He grimaces. “I didn’t say that to get back at you, but if you want to compare notes of who’s been with other people, I think I win, hands down.”

He closes his eyes, taking in a couple deep breaths. When he opens, his emerald green eyes look defeated. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I can’t help this intense feeling of jealousy I get when I think of you and other people.”

“You need to trust that I am yours and only yours. That won’t ever change.” I lean down and brush my lips against his. He sighs against my lips.

“I trust you, Addison. I really do.” He brings his hand around my neck, his thumb gliding over my bottom lip.

“I know. You can’t help being Tarzan.” I smirk.

He beats his chest. “Ahahahaaahaaa.” I laugh out loud. He slaps his chest and says in his deepest voice, “Me Tarzan…” and then puts his hand on my chest, “… you Jane.” I roll my eyes but grin.

“Come on, Tarzan, we have a plane to catch.”

Chapter twenty-one

I suck in a deep breath when I exit my building. I love the smell of rain. It’s the cleansing of the air, washing away the grime and stink that usually wafts around the city. After last night’s rain, I’m surprised that New York City is still above sea level. I’m glad my apartment isn’t on the ground level, just in case it ever floods.

My feet pound the wet pavement, moving to the song “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons. I needed this run especially after all the crap I’ve been eating. My dress comes in tomorrow, and I hope it fits. I’m still not feeling one hundred percent from being sick a few weeks ago. Maybe the fresh air filling my lungs will make me feel better. Aiden’s back at the apartment with Lexi. Sunday mornings are officially their time to hang out. She looks forward to it every week.

I run around the Reservoir at Central Park, my favorite path. The spring air has brought everyone out this morning. Finishing my run, I take the East Drive path so it’ll take me by the Boathouse. I can’t believe I’ll be getting married there in two weeks. The last seven months have gone by so fast. Jaxon called the other day, telling us we were able to move up our court date for Lexi’s adoption to this week. We’re hoping to have it official by the time we get married. We have it all planned how we are going to tell her.

I’m running behind a group of guys who are training for a marathon. I overhear them talking about it. You will never find me running twenty-six miles. Six, maybe. They slow down, and I run around them. I’m almost finished, and I’m already feeling better. The Boathouse comes into my view, and I smile to myself. I’m so glad Ava booked the wedding there. As I get closer, I narrow my eyes at a huge sign hanging across the front of the restaurant.

“What the hell?” I mutter. Looking at the sign, I’m not paying attention to where I’m going. “Shit!” I yell on my way to the ground. My foot catches on something and my ankle twists. Then I fall. My hands break my fall, and I roll on my side, grunting.

“Are you okay?” I look up and the group of guys that I passed has stopped. Pain shoots through my ankle.

I groan, trying not to beat my hand against the cement like I want to. I look at the sidewalk where I tripped and there’s a crack in the cement with an inch lip sticking up. I try to stand, but my ankle won’t hold my weight. I shrink back down.

“Here, let me help you,” one guy says. He reaches a hand out. I study him for a second and he looks innocent. So did Marco. I don’t have a choice if I want to get off the ground, though. I stick out my hand, and he pulls me up, letting me lean against him as he puts his arm around my waist. He walks and I hop on one foot over to a bench. I look down at my ankle and it’s already starting to swell. No, no, no. This can’t be happening.

“Thanks,” I say to the guy. Another bends down and picks my ankle up. I hiss out in pain. What is he doing?

“I’m an orthopedic surgeon, I promise,” he adds when I narrow my eyes at him. He touches a couple spots and I flinch. “Does this hurt?”

“Yes,” I cry out. It fucking hurts, is what I want to say.

He sighs and looks up at me. “You definitely sprained it. You might want to go to a doctor to get an X-ray to make sure it’s not broken.” I look up to the blue sky and groan.

“Do you need help getting somewhere?” Dr. Ortho asks. I think about the phone that is lying on my kitchen table because I decided not to bring it with me, thinking I wouldn’t need it. I can see the top of my apartment building from here.

I sigh. “Can I borrow your phone?” He pulls it out of his arm band and hands it to me. I try to call Aiden, but it goes to voicemail. Sydney is too far away to get here anytime soon. I stare down at the phone. Dammit. I don’t know anyone else’s phone number by heart.

“If you need help getting somewhere, I don’t mind helping you,” he says when I hand him his phone.

“No, I think I’ll be okay,” I say, pushing myself off the bench. I blow out a breath. I can do this. It doesn’t hurt that bad. “Ow, ow, ow.” I wince, sitting back down to take pressure of my ankle.

“Look, here’s my card so you know I’m not lying,” Dr. Ortho says, pulling out a business card from his armband. “I’m Jake.” He hands me the card.

I glance at the card and hold it up with an eyebrow raised. “Carry these just in case?”

He shrugs. “You never know when you’re going to need to hand one out.” He motions to my ankle. “You really shouldn’t put weight on it if it hurts. How far away are you?”

I point to my building. “Just right over there.”

“Nice! I wish I lived this close to Central Park. Let me help you walk there. I swear, I’m a good guy,” he says, holding his hands up in the air.

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