Page 58 of Fate Loves

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Katie softly smiles and blows me a kiss and mouths, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing.” Her words calm my wandering thoughts slightly.

Drake and I head over to the detention facility. I’m quiet the entire ride. My mind is reeling from the last thirty minutes, the video, and the fact that we haven’t had one moment of celebration that hasn’t ended badly. I close my eyes and lean my head back on the headrest. I’ll make damn sure our wedding goes off without a hitch. Addison is going to start fucking questioning Fate again. I wonder what she’d do if I drove her to the Little White Chapel here in Las Vegas and we got married. I chuckle. She would think it was a horrible idea. And Lexi isn’t here so it wouldn’t happen. I rub my jaw and exhale. God, I hope she’s okay. For her to kick a guy’s ass like that, something triggered her. It kills me to think what it could have been. I want to rip the guy’s hand off for even touching her.

We exit the taxi as soon as it stops and walk up the stairs. I have a flashback from the last time we were at a jail. Each step I take reminds me of that day. The day she found out my dad killed her mom. The day she was kidnapped. The day my heart stopped beating.

Dammit, that’s not today, Roberts.

“You alright there, Aiden?” Drake asks.

“Yeah, just having some fucked-up memories.”

Drake stops walking and puts his hand on my shoulder. “I don’t know Addison other than the obvious… She’s beautiful, but is she worth it? She seems to come with a lot of baggage.” His words hit me in my gut. What the hell? I fist my hand and my expression turns hard. “Aiden…” He puts his hands up. “We’ve been friends a long time. I just want to make sure you’re not thinking with the wrong head when it comes to Addison.” I release my fist and relax my shoulders. To most outsiders I’m sure our relationship looks like a never-ending whirlpool and we’re going to eventually drown. Drake doesn’t know the whole story, and I’m not about to tell him. I can stand back and see where his concern is coming from.

“Drake, she’s owns my heart and my mind. Every piece of me belongs to her. I don’t know how else to explain it. I couldn’t live without her.”

He nods and pats me on the back. “That’s good enough for me. Let’s go spring her out of jail.”

I glance at the name on the badge as we sit down. Lieutenant Graves. “Agent Webb, it’s good to see you,” he says, sitting down behind a desk.

“Lieutenant Graves, this is Agent Aiden Roberts.” He leans over and we shake hands. I sit back in the wooden chair, rest my leg on my knee, shaking it, and wait to see how this is going to play out.

“I’m just going to cut out the bullshit. Our guys screwed up. There’s going to be an internal investigation about what happened. I apologize. We don’t condone what happened here in this office ever. Both officers will be placed on administrative leave.” I’m relieved. He looks over at me with a grin. “I can tell you that Ms. Mason broke Officer Mace’s nose, and he has a nice puncture wound in his leg from a heel, pretty close to the groin area.” I try not to smile. “But from what I hear, he deserved it. There were numerous witnesses who came forward to tell us what really happened when they found out that Ms. Mason had been arrested.”

“Your girl is a wild cat,” Drake jokes, holding his hand over his groin. I chuckle. If he only knew.

“You’re fiancée is definitely the talk of the night around here.” The lieutenant smirks.

“Can I go back there with you when you release her?”

“You have your badge?”

“Of course,” I say as I lean forward to grab my wallet from my back pocket.

“Let’s go.” He stands up and we follow suit.

“I think you can deal with it from here,” Drake says, patting me on the back again.

“Thanks, man. It was good to see you.” We shake hands. “Will we see you at the wedding?”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

I follow Lieutenant Graves out back, flashing my badge to security. He points where I need to go while he delivers her release papers. I hear a woman talking, rather loudly, in the direction of the holding cell. Then I hear Addison’s voice. A weight inside me releases when I hear her laugh. I walk slowly and revel in the sound of it. Listening to her talk strips away any anxiety that I was feeling. She’s really okay.

Chapter nineteen

Barb is an interesting lady. I’m still not positive what she’s in here for. One thing I know for sure, she didn’t run over her husband. That was blatantly clear when she changed his name three times during her story. She’s been entertaining, so I’ve indulged her.

The second I see Aiden walk around the corner, though, my mind stops hearing Barb and it focuses solely on Aiden. His perfect fitting dark jeans and navy dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to show off his muscular forearms, makes one thing come to mind. Mine.

His eyes catch mine and his lips curl into a slow sexy grin. When I stand up, his eyes rake down my body and back up. When they reach mine again, his expression has changed. His jaw clenches and the hardness in his eyes catches me off guard. My brows furrow and I look down, wondering why his expression did a one-eighty. An awkward giggle escapes my lips as I tug my dress down an extra inch. It’s a lost cause. I don’t know why I think pulling it down will make it any longer. It didn’t the other hundred times I tried.

“I wore it for you,” I say, attempting to defend myself. He’s clearly not happy with my outfit choice.

He grabs hold of a couple of the bars and leans forward. “You weren’t with me, Addison,” he sears. “What the fuck do you expect wearing that? You might as well be naked.”

His words leave a bite on my heart, and if he doesn’t stop now, they might leave a scar. I straighten and glare at him. I open my mouth and then snap it shut, afraid of what might come out. The cell feels like it’s closing in and suffocating me.

“What?” I grit my teeth together. “Even if I was naked, no man has the fucking right to touch me.”

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