Page 30 of Fate Loves

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“How about watching it at the game?”

A squeal escapes my lips. I jump up and sit in his lap. “This is an awesome surprise!” I wiggle in his lap unintentionally.

His hands grip my legs to stop me. “I’m still not recovered from your dirty mouth, woman, so stop.”

I laugh and give him a quick kiss before hopping off and sitting back on my chair. I pull the tickets out and look at them again. My eyes widen in surprise. “How in the world did you get these tickets?” I ask, holding them up in the air. First row. Fifty-yard line. Right behind the team. The wrong team, but I’m not complaining.

“Mack. He owns the whole first row in that section. He gives me tickets a couple times a season.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal. Must be nice. “He knows you’re a big Cowboys fan, so he called me yesterday asking me if I wanted some tickets.”

“You’ve known since yesterday and didn’t tell me.”

“I was going to this morning, but …” He trails off and arches a brow in accusation. I bite my lip. Yep. I’m a horrible fiancée.

“I decided to hire a wedding planner,” I say, hoping it’ll ease his mind that I’m thinking about it and ease my guilt. His smile grows, causing his dimples to deepen with satisfaction in his eyes.

“Can we set a date?” he asks with bated breath.

“April 29,” I respond with certainty. My response surprises him. He tilts his head, and I can tell he’s trying to associate that date with something of importance. It’s not. I had already looked at dates in April a week ago, I just hadn’t picked one. April is one of my favorite months because of the weather and all the beautiful flowers. As long as it doesn’t rain, which is why I decided on the end of April.

“I’m not debating the date, but is there a reason?” I smile at being able to read him so well.

“No, I just love April.”

He claps his hands once and grins. “That’s enough for me. April 29 you will be officially mine forever.” I shake my head. Silly man. I’m already yours, forever.

Chapter eleven

The face Lexi’s giving me when she walks out of her room can’t be good. The shirt hangs in her hand and her bottom lip sticks out. “What’s up, Lulu? Did it not fit?”

We received a special delivery package. Ryker found out we were coming to the game tomorrow and sent all of us a jersey. I laughed when I pulled out the jersey for me and looked at Syd and said, “He’s kidding, right?”

Lexi took off with hers to try it on and obviously she’s not happy about something. I almost say, “I’d be mad too if I had to wear that,” but I purse my lips together and just wait to see what she says.

She juts out her hand with the shirt in it. “It’s wrong,” she pouts.

“What’s wrong with it?” I say, taking it from her and holding it up in the air to inspect.

She huffs adorably. “It has Dallas on it. I live in New York.” She throws her arms out. I smile at her animated expression.

“Lulu, that’s Ryker’s last name,” I explain.

Her expression changes to confusion. “Why do I want Ryker’s last name on my shirt? It should be my name.” She pokes herself in the chest with her thumb. “And…” she starts again. “The number is wrong. It says six. I’M STILL FIVE!”

“I can’t believe Ryker forgot you were still five,” Sydney giggles from my side. I shake my head. There’s an unspoken contest going on between the guys and Sydney about who Lexi thinks is the best. She truly loves all of them, but it’s funny to see how they try and one up each other. I don’t think it matters, though; Max will always be her number one.

“I know,” she huffs again, crossing her arms.

I turn and look at Sydney, glaring so she’ll stop, then look back to Lexi. Her defeated little face was so excited about the jersey when it got here.

I pick her up, putting her on the barstool, and spin her to face me. “Ryker’s football number is six.” She starts to say something but I shush her. She looks at me with wide eyes and waits for me to continue. “A team jersey has a player’s name and number on it. Usually you wear the one with your favorite player on it.” She tilts her head and thinks about it.

“Ryker is my favorite player.” I nod. Ryker is the only one on the team she knows.

“He’s so excited we’re coming to his game, he wanted you to have this.” I place the jersey in her lap. “There will be so many people wearing his jersey all around us because they love him.”

“I love Ryker,” she says, hugging the jersey. Then she stares at me.

“What?” I can see the wheels turning in that little head of hers.

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