Page 29 of Fate Loves

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The position he’s in hits that perfect spot, and the ache starts to build inside me again. He leans over, his hard chest against my back, and wraps his arm around me, grabbing my breast and squeezing. I arch my back again as pleasure explodes through my body, and I pulsate, squeezing him tight. His body tightens and his hold on my hips becomes painful as his pelvis pounds into my ass. My whimpers turn to loud moans. A deep, guttural groan grinds out my name and his body convulses against me. I try to hold us both up with my arms, but they give out and we fold over the arm of the couch. I can feel the rise and fall of his chest. He digs his head into the back of my neck, his breaths hot and heavy. Both his arms wrap around me, and he lifts me to a standing position.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper. I can use the excuse that I had a horrible day, but I did ignore him because I was afraid he’d bring up the wedding again. He pulls out of me and walks into the kitchen, wets a hand towel, and returns. He gently wipes between my legs, avoiding eye contact. The awkward silence makes me feel horrible. He throws the towel and it lands in the kitchen sink. The side of his mouth twitches. I smirk, knowing he’s probably given himself ten points for making it. When he looks down at me, he grins.

“You’re going to be the death of me,” he says, kissing the tip of my nose, and then leads me to the bedroom. He sits on the bed and pulls me onto his lap. “Addison, I can’t have you—” He pauses and looks down for a second. “A text would have been nice if you were too busy to take my call.”

“I know.”

“All day long I thought you were pissed at me. For bringing up our wedding. Then I was furious at you and then at myself for thinking that maybe you didn’t want to get married.”

“Aiden, that’s not it at all. I do want to marry you.” I cup his jaw, running my hand back into his thick hair. I pull my leg over his hips so I’m straddling him. “Even when you’re brooding and take it out on me while you’re fucking me.” I bring my lips to his and kiss him softly.

“I’m not sorry,” he murmurs against my lips.

“You shouldn’t be.” His hands move up my thighs to my back, and he pulls me tight against his chest, deepening our kiss. Our tongues intertwine, sparking the fire that hadn’t been put all the way out. My body trembles, feeling his arousal at my entrance. He lifts me and slides right in.

This time there’s no angst. No demands. No submitting. It’s only love. Our hearts are stripped bare, exposing two people who aren’t perfect but are perfect for each other.


I watch him slip his arms into his white shirt. The bottom is wrinkled from tucking it in. When he pulls his tie around his neck, he looks up at me. “Can we go eat now?”

A smile tugs at my lips. The rough day I had no longer hangs in my thoughts. It’s been replaced. I nod, slipping a blue shift dress over my head. I’ll be damned if I go out looking like I did before. I sit down on the bench at the end of my bed to put my wedges on, and Aiden walks up to me. He runs his hand through my hair, and I let out a soft mewl. His hand gently moves to my chin and raises it so I’m looking at him.

“I don’t like thinking you’re mad at me.” So I’ve learned.

“I didn’t purposely ignore your calls,” I answer apologetically.

“Which I didn’t find out until four.” I’m surprised he waited that long.

“I’m sorry.” I stand up and teeter-totter on one foot since I only have one shoe on. He wraps his arms around my waist, steadying me. I grin. “Thanks.”

He wags his eyebrows and cocks a crooked smile. “I’ll always be here to catch you, sweetheart.” I laugh at his comment, as corny as it might be, I know it’s heartfelt and true.

“Well, thank you for taking me to a happy place.”

“Any time,” he says. His hands move to my ass, and I can feel my dress creeping up my legs. “Like right now if you wanted.”

I slap his hand. “No. I’m starving.”

“So am I,” he says with a wicked smile. He shoves his hand under my dress and squeezes my ass, pulling me into his hardness.

“You’re always hungry. We just had sex twice.” I push him away and sit back down to put on my other shoe.

“Well, since you’re down there.” I look up at him and roll my eyes. “Really? That’s original,” I joke.

He chuckles and shrugs a shoulder. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

A half hour later we walk out of my building, and I feel much better about how I look. Especially next to Mr. GQ himself. We decide to walk instead of grabbing a cab; it’s a gorgeous fall evening. The leaves are changing to vibrant oranges and reds. The cool air is a reprieve from the clammy, hot summer nights.

After going back and forth about where to eat, we finally agree on Chinese. When we sit down, I clasp my hands together on the table and look at Aiden. “So, was that my surprise?”

“Oh, Ms. Mason. I need you to clarify that.” He lifts a brow and a playful smile appears on his lips. “Because I’d hate to assume what you are referring to.” Smartass. He only wants to hear me say sex. I return the smug smile and lean forward on my elbows.

My voice is hushed as I stare into his mischievous green eyes. “Where you fucked my pussy until I was happy,” I purr. A groan comes from the back of his throat as he sits back in his chair and adjusts himself.

“No, that was not your surprise.” He takes a large gulp of water and crunches some ice in his mouth. A little heated, babe? I chuckle to myself. He clears his throat. “Do we have any plans on Sunday?”

I look up and think about it. My eyes dart to his. “Um, yes. And you better not have made any plans during the football game because I’m not going to be anywhere except in front of the TV watching it,” I declare. It’s Cowboys versus Giants. The game that divides us as a family. As much as I love Ryker, I can’t cross over. I am a diehard fan. He grins, reaching into his pocket to pull out a white envelope. He places it on the table and pushes it toward me. I pick up the envelope and open it slowly. Inside are five tickets to the game.

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