Page 28 of Fate Loves

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“I’ve been sitting in that seat too long,” she says. “I guess we’re done for the night?”

“Yes.” I sigh. “We’ll go back to the sight on Monday and see if there is anything we missed.” She nods and heads to the door.

“Nice suit, Aiden. Court?” He scoots over so she has enough room to pass.

“Nah. I just like to see the look in Addison’s eyes when I wear a tie.” He glances at me and winks.

Harper walks off, laughing. “I don’t even want to know,” she yells from down the hall.

“I heard you had a shitty day.” I angle my head to the side and look up at him. “Since you decided not to answer my calls today, I had to call other people,” he elaborates, leaning over and putting his hands on my desk, getting close to my face. “I thought you were trying to avoid me because I brought up our wedding this morning.”

“No,” I sigh. He presses a soft kiss on my lips and stands up straight.

“Let me take you to dinner.”

“I’m really tired, Aiden. I just want to go home.” I close the case file we were working on and clean up my desk.

“That wasn’t a question.” He puts his hand on top of the folder, stopping me. I jerk my head in the direction of his demanding tone. “You need to eat, and I’m going to take you to get something. Sydney and Damon are taking Lexi out tonight.” Bossy much? Our eyes lock and the intensity in his eyes tell me I’m not going to win this battle.

“Let’s go,” I grumble. He stands up tall again and crosses his arms, satisfied with himself.

I’m only going because I’m hungry.

“You’re going because you love me.” Crap. I smirk when I realize I didn’t just say that in my head.

“I do love you, Agent Roberts, but you’re being a demanding ass right now,” I say with a fake smile, walking past him. I hear a low rumbling chuckle behind me. I wait for him to leave my office so I can shut and lock my door. The smell of spice, woods, and masculinity waft in the air as he moves past me. I take in a deep breath, inhaling his smell and shudder. He’s intoxicating and hard to resist. Even when I’ve had a horrible day.

I huff in irritation. My body seems to have a mind of its own. I take quick strides to the elevator but hear his footsteps behind me. I watch our reflection in the closed elevator doors and look down at my jeans and flats, cursing under my breath. I can’t go out looking like this.

“I look like shit.” My hair was in a sleek ponytail this morning, but now pieces are hanging out everywhere from me pulling on my hair all day. I yank off my hair tie and comb through my hair with my fingers before pulling it back. I shrug to myself. It’ll have to do.

“You look beautiful, Addison,” he says, leaning down a little. “I have a surprise for you.”

My shoulders drop and I blow out my cheeks, a little irritated he can’t see that I’m not in the mood for surprises.

He leans down again, this time he’s so close I can feel the warmth of his breath. “I think I need to find a dark corner and fuck you until you’re happy.” I sharply inhale from his hushed, raspy voice. The elevator doors open and thankfully the car is empty. His suggestion catches me off guard so my cheeks are flushed and I’m speechless. He reaches in front of me and hits the first-floor button. As the doors close, I wonder how serious he is. “Is that what you need, Addison?” he murmurs, turning toward me. His eyes darken and lock on to mine. The elevator feels like its walls are closing in. There’s emotion behind his gaze that I can’t read. The intensity forces me to suck in a breath.

My mouth opens to say “maybe,” but the ding from the elevator tears me out of the hold he has on me. He grabs my hand, leading me out of the building. We walk in silence toward my apartment. I can tell from his determined stride that we’re not heading to dinner.

I hear the door slam shut and lock and whip around at the sound. Aiden grabs me, spinning me around and slams me into the wall. My breath catches. He grabs my hands and holds them above my head as he runs his lips along my jawline, nipping and sucking. I try to release one hand so I can feel him. Touch him.

“Don’t move your hands,” he demands and tightens his hold. My eyes flash up to his, surprised by the dominating heat in his voice. His thigh rubs against my center, causing me to moan, and my hips move of their own accord. He removes one of his hands, but still holding both of mine with his other. Using his free hand, he grabs my breast. Hard. He curses under his breath and then slams his mouth against mine. My feelings are at war right now. I’m pissed off because he’s being aggressive, yet my body is yearning for the roughness. My head says back the fuck off, my body says harder. Why is he mad? I’m the one who had the shitty day.

I keep my mouth closed in protest, so he bites my lip. When I gasp, he slips his tongue into my mouth. It’s possessive and demanding. My willpower to fight fades as I give in. My body takes over, surrendering to the desire. I rock against him and heat streaks up my body. He releases my hands but glares at me with a warning, commanding me to keep my hands there. It’s too bad I’m not always compliant.

I run my hands through his hair, fisting it. “Never fucking listen,” he growls, yanking my shirt over my head. When he has my shirt almost all the way off, with my hands up high, he stops. The wicked gleam in his eyes says he’s got me. “You move your hands out of this shirt, I’m going to fucking handcuff you next.” He twists the center of my shirt in his fists, tightening the hold. My hands move closer together, and he holds them against the wall. His other hand yanks down my bra, releasing each swollen breast. He flicks his tongue over my hardened nipple and my body shudders. My back arches off the wall, willing him to take it all in. Thank God he listens. He devours them mercilessly. The ache between my legs intensifies as he continues his lavish assault. His hand moves down to undo my jeans. When he has them past my thighs, I wiggle out of them and kick them off to the side, thankful I didn’t wear my skinny jeans today.

He runs a finger along the lace of my panties and at the center. A deep growl from the back of his throat slips out. “You’re so fucking wet,” he rasps. When he moves my panties to the side, he slips two fingers inside me. I buck my hips against his fingers that rapidly move in and out. The heel of his palm presses against my clit, and I scream out. My orgasm rips through me almost instantly.

Before I can form a coherent thought, Aiden pulls me to the couch, spins me around, and pushes me down over the side arm. My ass is facing upward and the cold air blows on my wet, throbbing sex. He unsnaps my bra and takes off my soaked panties. I hear him pulling down his pants. When I look back, he’s already naked. The fire in his eyes is like an inferno now. Raging. His jaw clenches as he looks at me. I flinch in surprise when I feel his finger graze my wetness. His other hand grabs my ass.

“Do you know how fucking bad I want to make this ass red right now?” he growls.

Excuse me? My eyes snap to his, confused. I open my mouth to ask him what the hell he’s talking about, but he sticks a finger inside me again and my eyes close involuntarily as he moves it around in circles. It’s clear he’s running the show. He removes it and grabs my hips, immediately slamming his cock into me, burying himself inside me completely. I cry out and he stills for a moment. When I glance back, his nostrils flair and his chest heaves as he tries to regain his control.

“Don’t ever ignore me again,” he warns. Realization dawns on me, and I understand why he’s so upset. He doesn’t give me time to respond. To apologize. He slams into me again, setting a punishing pace. Instead, I give him what he needs.

“Harder,” I moan out, pushing my ass against his groin, keeping rhythm with him. Our bodies smack together. I grasp the couch, letting go of everything clouding my head right now, and submit to the man inside of me.

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